Individual Art of the Day Michael Oanta Mr. Lucero Period 2
The Death of the Gravedigger Background and Context: ❏ Carlos Schwabe painted this in 1865 ❏ Born in Altona, Holstein, then shortly moved to Geneva, Switzerland ❏ Worked as a wallpaper designer, then became associated with symbolist artists, symbolism was the trending art form ❏ Depicts mythological and representative themes ❏ His life influenced many of the characters in his paintings ❏ France had recently been destabilized by a series of revolutions that installed new monarchs and government
Logos ❏ Due to the revolutionary upheavals of 19th century France, this conveys that things didn't end well for everyone ❏ Irony is illustrated throughout this painting because the grave digger, one who has dealt with the countless death of others, now experiences it himself ❏ He’s a poor penniless man who died on the cruel working grounds, because he could not afford to die happily
Tone and Mood ●IRONY- There is definitely irony felt throughout this picture, this man who has buried countless people, has no one to bury him now that he deceased ●Tone of sadness for this old man that died working the fields at his old age, not being at peace or in comfort when he died ●Mood of equality, because the angel is drawn in a very human form, she respects this man that has worked so hard and gotten near nothing in return
Purpose ●After one of Carlos’ friends died he painted this to portray death, and how death is not to be feared ●Death doesn't always only have bad results, it can be a new beginning
Central Claim Death can be a new beginning
Color and Light ❏ The darkness of the angels wings depicts how death and an end will come for all, even if it’s all you've been around your whole life ❏ The pristine white snow represents the glimmering promise of the afterlife, and that even though he may have had a poor, rough life, it’s all in his past ❏ The man’s hand blends in with the shovel where he is holding it, illustrating that his job is a part of him, and that it’s natural that he would die with it ❏ The man is wearing the same color clothing as the angel, revealing that death had been a part of him for a while ❏ The sunrise in the background exhibits a new beginning, a light at the end of the tunnel for this man, through all his hardships at having a laboring job, happiness is to come at last
Character ●The gravedigger still has his hand on his shovel, symbolizing that fate would have it he die working ●The man died burying a grave, which ironically turned out to be his own ●The angel has a face of serenity, she’s doing her job and somewhat admiring this man who did his tiresome job dutifully ●These two main characters were very close, as they both dealt with death, and it seems like fate that they would finally meet ●They make eye contact as this man is dying, and this was on purpose by Carlos because this angel has been around this man a lot, but he’s never seen her due to the power of the supernatural, and finally he glimpses his co worker ●No others around to view this event taking place
Position ●The gravedigger is nearly fully submerged in his grave, as if he knew death was coming ●The angel is over him, taking full command ●The sun is just rising, symbolizing a new hope ●There are budding plants forming around him, depicting that this life is ending, but new ones are starting ●The man has his hand over his heart, as if he had a heart attack, yet we see a glowing object in the angels hand, clarifying that the angel took his soul
Setting ●This took place in France after the numerous revolutions ●This is in a graveyard, as seen by the tombstones in the background ●It is empty all around, no one to witness his death ●Sun coming up symbolizes a new hope ●The snow and weather hint that spring is ending ●Overall its a serene environment and perfect place for these two characters to finally meet face to face
Angle ●Angled so there is a full view of the angel ●We are able to see that the man is already deep in his grave ●The tree is partially giving them cover and peace ●Low enough angle so we see under the branches that they are in a graveyard, which happens to be full of tombstones ●We barely see at the bottom of the page new plants growing, which shows a new life
Overview 6 of the 7 elements of CCLAPPS convey the message this image holds, that death can be a new beginning. Color and light depict the current gloominess yet upcoming happiness. Character illustrates the unknowing bond the two have shared, as well as the willingness to let go of life. Position displays that the man was ready for this untimely death, yet continued with his work. Setting informs us of where this man worked, and the death he was constantly surrounded by. Finally, angle amplifies some details that we otherwise wouldn't have seen, such as the new budding plants. Carlos had a hard time getting over the death of his friend, and drew this picture to comfort himself and others that death isn't always worse.