ALB Survey Protocol. ALB Hosts MI PPQ Asian Long-horned Beetle Survey Objective: The objective of this survey was early detection of any Asian.


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Presentation transcript:

ALB Survey Protocol

ALB Hosts

MI PPQ Asian Long-horned Beetle Survey Objective: The objective of this survey was early detection of any Asian Long-horned beetle infestations in the Detroit metropolitan area and other high risk locations within Michigan. The 2009 survey involved conducting surveys and managing two volunteer survey programs (the Michigan Cooperative Pest Cadre and the Nature Conservancy postcard survey). PHSS Dave Dehn managed the Michigan Cooperative Pest Cadre.

MI PPQ Asian Long-horned Beetle Survey Survey Methodology. Preferred host trees (maple, birch, willow, sycamore and horse chestnut) were visually inspected for exit holes, egg sites, frass and live beetles. Trees were inspected from soil level up to as far up the tree as the inspector could look for dime size exit holes. No certified tree climbers or bucket trucks were available for this survey.

MI PPQ Asian Long-horned Beetle Survey Survey Dates. The surveys started on May 1st and were completed on October 1st.

MDNR P&R ALB Survey Risk assessments will be used to identify priority parks and campgrounds for surveys. State Parks will be selected for surveys based on likelihood of introduction and establishment of ALB. The State Parks visitor database will be used to detect visitors from ALB quarantined areas. This survey will help define where we have at-risk forest resources.

MDNR P&R ALB Survey Ground based visual survey of host trees will be conducted. Emphasis will be on trees within 100 yards of fire rings and on preferred hardwood hosts. Surveyors will use binoculars and spotting scopes to detect ALB exit holes, egg niches and boring sawdust and the presence of adult beetles. Surveys will be conducted in mid-summer and then again in the fall after leaf fall.

MDNR P&R ALB Survey P&RD Surveyors, Interpreters and Explorer Guides; consultant foresters, other resource professionals as well as homeowners and forest landowners will be trained in ALB detection and identification, and in the procedures for reporting suspected ALB.

ARRA: Statewide Early Detection and Rapid Response Surveys for Asian Longhorned Beetle in Michigan High-Use Recreation Areas Project length for this new project is two years (2010 & 2011). Project activities will be targeted on MDNRE administered high-use state parks and state forest campgrounds in the Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula.

Conduct a stratified, standardized sampling survey to detect Asian longhorned beetle in Michigan state parks and state forest campgrounds with a significant component of host trees. Conduct a public and forest resource professional education and outreach program in areas that are at- risk for ALB introduction and establishment. Parks will also be risk-stratified for sampling based on number of annual park visitors and percentage of out- of-state visitors.

District Rangers/ALB Surveyors In addition to ALB Surveys, surveyors will: –Use ALB risk criteria to select and schedule surveys Leaf-on Surveys in July/August (5 days) Leaf-off Surveys in Oct/Nov (5 days.. Same sites unless new info points to higher risk site –Communicate with State Parks in your District Indentify yourself as contact for ALB info, reports, detections –Document survey activity and selection criteria using the Forest Health Report MS Word Template R –Notify Roger Mech or Bob Heyd of any suspected detections

Thank you