1 Chapter 14 Typical Receiving Procedures
2 What Is Receiving? Receiving is the act of inspecting and either accepting or rejecting deliveries.
3 The Objectives of Receiving Obtaining the correct amount and correct quality at the correct time with the correct supplier services for the correct EP cost. Check to see that the delivered order meets these criteria. Control these received products and services.
4 Essentials for Good Receiving Competent personnel Proper receiving equipment Proper receiving facilities Appropriate receiving hours A copy of the specifications A copy of the purchase order
5 Invoice Receiving Most popular technique An invoice, or bill, accompanies the delivery
6 Typical Invoice Receiving Sequence Delivery arrives Rejection of delivery All or part Request for Credit memorandum (credit slip) Problems with Rejecting Returning merchandise Acceptance of delivery
7 Additional Receiving Duties Date the delivered items Price all delivered items Create bar codes Apply “meat tags” Housekeeping Update AP prices Backhaul recyclables
8 Other Receiving Methods Standing order receiving Blind receiving Odd-hours receiving Drop-shipment receiving Mailed deliveries COD deliveries
9 Good Receiving Practices Beware of dead weight Always check quality under top layer Leakage Expiration date Be wary of delivery persons “helping” Spot check portioned weights Closed shipping containers Slacked-out or refrozen products Shrink allowance
10 Reducing Receiving Costs Field inspectors Computerized receiving Night and early-morning deliveries One-stop shopping
11 Copyright ©2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.