Nowadays there are many ecological problems, such air, water, land pollution and many others. Air pollution is one the most important problem of our environment. Clean air is a key to longevity, the main condition of increase in life expectancy of people is the solution of the problem of pollution of atmospheric air.
Our motto is: "the Air without problems"
The big contribution to pollution of atmospheric air is made by burning dumps. When burning household waste toxic and agents hazardous to health are allocated. Burning wood chipboards emit phenol, formaldehyde and other harmful components. To limit this source of pollution of air it is necessary to fight against formation of unauthorized dumps, to forbid burning in the cities of household waste and even in the fallen-down fall of foliage. One of exits – construction of waste recycling plants.
At least one third of the total atmospheric pollution falls on the share of motor transport. Cars burn a huge amount of fuel, emitting from the exhaust of harmful and poisonous substances. Currently being developed all new models of electric and solar cars, but they should certainly not be able to play a prominent role in solving the problem of how to keep the air clean, as awkward and require frequent recharges the batteries.
Another important step for the preservation of the purity of the atmosphere should be the modernization of production. Technological processes at the enterprises should be optimized to reduce the emission of harmful substances. Also required special treatment plants, reducing the negative impact of industry on the environment.
Also a negative effect on the atmosphere have different substances used in the home, particularly aerosols. Therefore it is necessary to use only products that have a marking that they are safe for the environment.
Transfer of vehicles to less toxic types of fuel and performance of a complex of actions for decrease in emissions, to neutralization of harmful substances and reduction of physical influence during design, production, operation and repair of transport and other mobile means and installations;
rational planning and building of settlements with respect defining standards distance to transportation routes; withdrawal from densely populated residential areas outside the city transport enterprises, cargo transit road transport; the restriction of the entry of motor vehicles and other transport equipment and installations in residential, resort, therapeutic, recreational and natural protected areas, places of mass recreation and tourism; improving the content of transport routes and outdoor coatings;
introduction in the cities of the automated systems of regulation of traffic; improvement of technologies of transportation and fuel storage, ensuring continuous quality control of fuel at the oil processing enterprises and gas stations; introduction and improvement of activity of control and adjusting and diagnostic points and complex systems of verification of standards of ecological safety of transport and other mobile means and installations. Design, production and operation of transport and other mobile means and installations, the content of harmful substances in which exhaust gases exceeds standards or levels of influence of physical factors, it is forbidden.
Conservation of clean air for our and future generations is not only the concern of humankind as a whole and each person individually. This should be remembered by everyone.