Region N Exercise Concepts and Objectives Conference August 26, 2008 Georgia Regional Hospital Emergency Preparedness Exercises
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Roles and Responsibilities: UGA, GDPH, GHA, RCH, Hospitals and Community Partners Regional Coordinating Hospitals Training and Exercise Cycle Previous Regional Exercises Lessons Learned Exercise Process Exercise Planning Schedule C/O Worksheets Exercise Registration Controller Evaluator Training Hospital Customized Exercise Design and Preparation Checklists Contact Information
Roles and Responsibilities: UGA, GDPH, GHA, RCH, Hospitals and Community Partners
Regional Coordinating Hospitals
Training & Exercise Cycle
Previous Regional Exercises Lessons Learned It was good to start early in the planning process and get key players involved in exercise planning. Participation in the meetings lets you know who are the active participants in the region. It’s good to spread the planning process out over several months so you can miss a meeting or two if you need to. The TTX was probably the most important part of the process.
Previous Regional Exercises Lessons Learned Participants liked being able to customize the exercise injects to meet the needs at their hospitals. It helped having someone else write the scenario and injects. Having the Hotwash immediately following the full scale exercise was very good. The Hospital Plan and ICS were updated at one hospital as result of doing the exercise. The exercise helped one hospital get authorization to buy additional needed equipment because of recommendation from the local exercise evaluator.
Exercise Design Process
Exercise Planning Schedule C/OConcepts and Objectives Conference8/26/08 TTX IPCTabletop Exercise Initial Planning Conference9/16/08 TTX MPCTabletop Exercise Mid Planning Conference9/30/08 TTX FPCTabletop Exercise Final Planning Conference10/14/08 TTXTabletop Exercise10/28/08 FSE IPC Full Scale Exercise Initial Planning Conference 11/11/08 FSE MPCFull Scale Exercise Mid Planning Conference11/24/08 FSE MSEL Full Scale Exercise Master Scenario Events List Conference 12/8/08 FSE C/E Trg Full Scale Exercise Controller/Evaluator Training 12/22/08 FSE FPCFull Scale Exercise Final Planning Conference1/5/09 FSEFull Scale Exercise1/27/09 AARCAfter Action Report Conference3/2/09
C & O Worksheets in Hospital Three-Ring Binder 1. Region's Hazards 2. Secondary Regional Effects 3. Regional Hazard Priorities 4. Region's Vulnerable Areas 5. Regional Plans and Procedures 6. Regional Functions (Joint Commission Emergency Management Standards) 7. Participants 8. Past Exercises (Regional and Local) 9. Status of Hospital EOPs
1. Region’s Hazards
2. Secondary Regional Effects
3. Regional Hazard Priorities Priority Hazard #1 Priority Hazard #2 Priority Hazard #3
4. Region’s Vulnerable Areas Geographic Areas Facility Locations
5. Regional Plans and Procedures Disaster Activate Hospital Emergency Management Plan Activate the Mutual Aid Compact? No Manage the emergency internally Resume Normal Operations Call 911Call EMA Contact RCH Yes Coordinate Hospital Resources within the Region Are Hospital Resources from another Region needed? No Yes RCH will contact other RCH’s for assistance Contact GHA Send out Emergency Disaster Alerts Contact EMS Regional Program Director for affected District Coordinate with EMA and others to obtain needed resources Will patients be transferred to another facility? No Contact EMS providers & receiving facilities Can EMS provide all patient transfers? Transfer patients by EMS Yes Notify RCH No Call ORS
5. Regional Plans and Procedures Emergency response plans Contingency plans Operational plans Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
6. Regional Functions The Joint Commission Emergency Management Standards 1.Emergency Preparedness Planning Activities 2.Emergency Operations Plan 3.Communications 4.Resources and Assets 5.Safety and Security 6.Staff Responsibilities 7.Utilities Management 8.Patient Management 9.Volunteer Licensed Independent Practitioner Management 10.Volunteer Practitioner Management
7. Potential Participants StateRegionLocal GHARCHHospitalsLESchoolsFire State PHPH Districts County PH DeptsLEPCBusinessesEMS GEMA GEMA Area Coordinators County EMAGovt. Volunteer AgenciesOther
7. Hospital Participants
7. Community Partner and Hospital Personnel Participation
8. Past Regional Exercises Lessons Learned
9. Status of Hospital EOPs
Proposed Regional Scenarios
Proposed Regional Exercise Capabilities and Objectives 1.Emergency Preparedness Planning Activities 2.Emergency Operations Plan 3.Communications 4.Resources and Assets 5.Safety and Security 6.Staff Responsibilities 7.Utilities Management 8.Patient Management 9.Volunteer Licensed Independent Practitioner Management 10.Volunteer Practitioner Management
Exercise Registration
Controller Evaluator Trainings
Hospital Customized Exercise Design and Preparation Checklists
Please Contact UGA IHMD: Curt Harris University of Georgia Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense (IHMD) Barrow Hall, Room 001, Athens, Georgia (706) (office)