Assessing the State of Sport in Our Schools SI School Sport Conference September2015
What is this workshop about? An introduction to the school sport planning tool A chance to develop an assessment of your school Information about “what next”
If your school was maximising the opportunities provided by sport to enhance the education & lives of young people and it’s community, then what might you actually see and hear …. on your way to school? in classrooms? in the playgrounds? after school, both in the community and at the school? In the weekends? Who? Doing what? Where? Do you know what an ideal state school sport system looks like?
If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It
Assessing Sport in Our School
But school sport is complex We need to position sport as important to the school, and students We want to deliver an “ideal state” system We need to know the questions to ask We need to have the tools to improve Who has the time or ideas? Whose role is it to lead?
What is the School Sport Planning Tool? a best practice, self-review tool for secondary and primary schools. enables schools to work towards the achievement of a world leading 'quality' sport and physical activity programme. aims to assist schools to provide young people with a quality sport experience. Provides links to guidance and tools that will help improve the school sport environment
What is the School Sport Planning Tool? Considers 4 components of a school sport programme Culture and Ethos Schools and Communities Sport Opportunities and Experiences Curriculum Self rated assessments Absent Emerging Established Embedded
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Vision and Philosophy The school is recognised as one that values sport and PE by its support for teachers and students, and by its engagement with the wider community in the provision of a quality sport and PE programme and philosophy
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Planning Schools with a strong sport culture gather information about the current state of sport and establish a plan for support and growth. The plan addresses opportunity and risk.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Reporting Schools adopt a regular and formal reporting system to track their performance against the school sports plan.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Whole School Improvement The school understands and uses the contribution that sport and PE can make to wider academic, social and sporting outcomes.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Connections Curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular initiatives are linked.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Policies and Procedures Schools embed their philosophy in policies and procedures that support a strong school sport environment.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Personnel Schools with a strong culture back their philosophy and approach with financial and human resources.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Finances Schools with a strong culture back their philosophy and approach with financial and human resources.
School Ethos & Culture -established by the leaders of the school -exhibited across all aspects of the school operation -includes the development and communication of a vision and philosophy -evidence-based planning -resourcing and support -formal documentation of this vision and plans in policies and procedures. Recognition and Reward The school acknowledges and celebrates the success, and contribution, of participants and supporters of school sport.
School and Community -pathways for students to realise their aspirations as participants, coaches, officials and administrators -strong working relationships with community sports organisations and personnel -provides and shares equipment and facilities -connects the school to parents and whanau Effective engagement Partnerships – Community Partnerships – Schools Parents/Whanau Clubs and Providers Coach connections School Facilities
Sport Opportunities and Experiences -meet student needs (emotional, sporting, social) and aspirations -developed with student input -curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular -supported by competent and informed personnel Environment Sport delivery – extra-curricular Sport delivery – co-curricular Sport delivery – play Coaching Student leadership Equipment
Curriculum -well planned and resourced -develops skills and attitudes -wide range of settings and activities -good sport-PE connections Vision Planning Teaching and learning Professional development
Using the tool to assess your school sport environment planning-tool
Login Passwords Blue Mountain College94189ef4 Central Southland College5ce1a43c Christchurch Boys High School6f79c894 Darfield High School3d17d2c6 Diocesan9d5a2022 Kaiapoi high Schoolfe6908c1 Kavanagh College78371e61 Menzies College e Nayland Collegea4fe9db8 Papanui High School94189ef4 Roxburgh Area Schooleeaba0eb Samuel Marsden Collegiate1ec55a0d Samuel Marsden Collegiate1ec55a0d Solway College94189ef4 Southland Girls' High School7fef4d17 St Matthews Collegiate6773ae9d Westland High School57b9a8d0
Accessing the tool
Workshop In groups, complete each of the first three modules. minutes each) Discuss your selections – why have assessed this way?
Receiving Your Results
What Help Is Available? Networking opportunities (like this forum and local RSD-run opportunities) Best Practice Principles for Young People’s Sport Running Secondary School Sport The School Sport Planning Tool Sport NZ advisory support RSD/RST advisory support NZSSSC advisory support PENZ advisory support
Running Secondary School Sport Replaces the Sports Coordinators Manual An online guide to your role A repository of good practice tools, templates, links The School Environment About kids About sport About schools Sport Supporters Running sport
Running Secondary School Sport sport
10 Good Practice Principles
Position Statements Ages & Stages of Development Early Specialisation Coaching Winning & Success