Elephant’s Fork Elementary Learners Today….. Leaders Tomorrow Andre’ Skinner Principal SURN Principal Academy
EFES Facts Focus School Year I Title I School Schoolwide free breakfast and lunch Accredited with Warning (English & Math) 667 Students from Pre-K through 5 th Grade 60 fulltime staff members
Pre-Assessment Data
Highlights from Pre-Assessment Data High Yield Practices Observed 10. Creates/uses learning tools, a) Concept mapping b) Advance/graphic organizers c) Manipulatives d) Technology 5. Engages in discussing text or other input Low Yield – Positive Notes Responding to teacher orally, good class participation Completing assigned worksheet tasks given, worksheets aligned to lessons
Highlights from Pre-Assessment Data High Yield Practices Needed for Improvement 3. Engages in Reading 5. Engages in discussing text or other input 7. Creates products 11. Engages in self-assessment of their work, what they learn, and how they learn Low Yield Practices Lessen use of worksheets Decrease off-task behaviors
Pre & Post Assessment Data
Highlights from Post-Assessment Data Observed improvement in use of several high yield strategies 3. Engagement in reading 5. Engagement in discussing text 6. Engagement in problem solving 10. Creates/uses learning tools, indicate: a) Concept mapping b) Advance/graphic organizers c) Manipulatives d) Technology Biggest growth was discussing texts and creating advanced organizers and manipulatives We observed fewer off tasks behaviors and less use of worksheets Students are still responding orally, but oral responses are being used to encourage cooperative learning.
Professional Development Faculty & Leadership Meetings reviews of John Hattie Visible Learning with a focus Mind frames chapter. Graphic organizers as a practice to assist students with storage and retrieval in both math and reading. Guided Reading Professional Development Focus with Title I Reading Teachers Training for K-2 teachers and teacher assistants on use of FUNdations Use of NWEA/MAP scores to tier student needs by skills and determine their levels of interventions needed Use of VDOE’s Lesson Plan Rubric. Curriculum framework, and essential knowledge, blueprints
Next Steps Encourage peer visits to use the strengths of staff within the building to improve reading and mathematics success Book Talk with Title 1 teachers - Hattie’s book and “Next Step to Guided Reading” by Jan Richardson (Division Wide) Balanced Literacy – Guided Reading as a focus to teach students how to utilize reading strategies during independent reading at their developmental ability. Use of NWEA/MAP Learning Continuum to develop lesson plans, create flexible groups & identify areas of weakness prior to benchmark testing.