Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration Lalla Mantovani AARC General Meeting, Utrecht What do we want to do in the future? Libraries – Where are we? May 2016 NA2, AARC GARR
Training on how tools used by the libraries can be configured to fulfil the library needs and improve the user experience – e.g. effective use of discovery tools. Involvement of tool producers is probably needed – TODO (in progress for Ezproxy) Open e-learning course, guiding participants through the federated login workflow, using a less technical and more operational language and clearly demonstrating federated login and SSO benefits. Some short, easy to understand materials explaining how federated access works for librarians and for library users and trainings materials that librarians can reuse towards end- users. (Federation 101) Information material for decision makers. Some short general information about federated access explaining the pros and cons involved. (Factsheet: Federated access to digital resources at libraries) 2 Library Requirements from Deliverable DNA2.1 Report on the identification of target groups and their requirements
Unpublished Google Doc AARC participation to: IX Italian Convention on Document Delivery and Inter-Library Cooperation “Dead or Alive: library services’ borders in the sharing era” , Rome librarians attending - Concepts were presented here: Identità federata e biblioteche: binomio ideale per i servizi per la Didattica e la Ricerca. Buone prassi e casi d'uso Federated identity and libraries: an ideal combination for R&E services. Best practices and use cases Rosita Ingrosso (Salento University), Marisol Occioni (Ca' Foscari University), Vincenzo Pratrulon (Roma Tre University) Preprint given to Librarians They asked for translation in local language (Librarians in Italy are not ready for receiving communications in English) 3 Factsheet: Federated access to digital resources at libraries example of use in Italy
Translations of the Factsheet? Italian libraries need this. Other countries? Should AARC /promote/take care of/ localisations? Presence to National Library Convention? In Italy was very useful. What in other countries? 4 Factsheet: Federated access to digital resources at libraries What do more?
After interviews, LIBER submit a use case to AARC2 Libraries are currently subscribing a wide range of electronic resources mainly e-journals, databases and e-books, from many different providers. The situation is complex and differs significantly from one institution to another, but especially among countries, regions or language communities. Publishers are often reluctant to offer federated access if there is not a critical mass of clients that demands that; they are enforcing libraries to remain on IP-based access models. Editorial Board Review:This is already covered by AARC 5 Libraries training needs interviews – summary report Library content licences negotiators
National Bodies for the Negotiation of Electronic Resources Joining efforts between negotiation consortium and identity federation at the national level in order to negotiate licenses with publishers and request them to offer identity federated access to their products Different situations in different countries Promote collaboration/Link between negotiation consortiums and identity federations. Are agreements in place? Non negotiable clause in contracts + Technical annex. Promote this to Negotiators with Templates. Start with consortiums that declared availability Require standardised procedures for authentication and enhanced services from publishers 6 Libraries training needs interviews – summary report Licences, Terms, Procedures, Services
IDEM Federation support service has always helped libraries on local issues when they requested them Inefficient and time consuming 2015: Proposed a written agreement between CRUI-CARE Consortium and IDEM Federation 2016: Accepted and almost ready For the future: Consortium will request to publishers, international and national ones, to offer identity federated access to their products Consortium will include in contracts with publishers non negotiable clause and Technical Annex 2016: The first Italian publisher (Il Mulino) joined IDEM Federation. Another one is interested. 7 Licences, Terms, Procedures, Services What we have done in Italy
Training on Library pilots? Training on Ezproxy Training on library pilots experience Training on discovey tools and link resolvers Other? 8 Training libraries on tools
Thank you Any Questions? © GÉANT on behalf of the AARC project. The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No (AARC).