Sending a formal email Basic Steps
Addressing an Email Use a proper subject heading. Be brief! Example: Overdue Book, Important Message Use a proper salutation: Dear Mr. Ms. Mrs. Or Dr. AVIOD: Hey, Hi, What’s up? If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to use Dear Sir or Madam.
Composing an Email Introduce yourself in the first paragraph if necessary: Dear Mrs. Stalter, My name is Jenna Smith, I’m a fifth grade student in Mrs. Onusko’s class. Write the actual message. BE BRIEF. Example: I am writing to ask you the title of the overdue book I owe. I am writing to ask you about the possibility of having a book club at MES Library. Be sure to avoId informal or “Text Talk” writing. How are you?, What’s going on?, TTFN, TTYL.
Closing the Email Always thank the person for reading the email and share your hopes to hear back. Example: Thank you for your continued help and support. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Use the correct form of leave taking: Yours Sincerely, Yours Cordially, Respectfully, Best or Your Student.
Email Example Dear Mrs. Stalter, My name is Maureen Moore. I’m a fifth grader in Mrs. Canino’s class. I’m writing in regards to my overdue library book. I would like to know the title and cost of the book. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Maureen Moore
Now You Try! Send a Formal Email by Selecting One of the Topics Below: You need to know the cost of your Overdue Library Book You would like to start and MES Book Club You would like Mrs. Stalter to hold a Mind Craft Book for you You need help finding database resources for an upcoming project You need the MES Library Database log-in info for home access