HYDRAULIC TURBINES By:- Sagar Mewada- 130260119050 Manik Mehta- 130260119049
TURBINES:- Turbines are defined as hydraulic machine which converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. PRINCIPLE:-This mechanical energy is used in running an electric generator which is directly coupled to the shaft of turbine. Thus mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.
CLASSIFICATION OF HYDRAULIC TURBINES:- According to type of energy at inlet:- (1) Impulse Turbine (2) Reaction Turbine According to direction of flow of water:- (1) Tangential Flow turbine (2) Axial Flow Turbine (3) Radial Flow Turbine (4) Mixed Flow Turbine`
According to water head & quantity of water available:- (1) High head & small quantity of water flow (2) Medium head & medium flow rate (3) Low head & large floe rate According specific speed of turbine:- (1) Low specific speed turbine (2) Medium specific speed turbine (3) High specific speed turbine
DEFINATION OF TURBINES:- IMPULSE TURBINE:- If at inlet of turbine, the energy available only kinectic energy, the turbine is known as impulse turbine. Ex. Pelton Wheel Turbine REACTION TURBINE:- If at inlet of turbine, the water possesses kinetic energy, the turbine iss known as reaction turbine. Ex. Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine RADIAL FLOW TURBINNE:- If the water flow in radial direction through runner, the turbine is called radial flow turbine.
INWARD RADIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows from outward to inward radial flow turbine. OUTWARD RADIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows from inward to outward radial flow turbine. AXIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flow through the runner along the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the runner, the turbine is called axial flow turbine. MIXED FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows the runner in the radial direction but leaves in the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the runner, the turbine is called mixed floe turbine. TANGENTIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows along the tangent of runner, the turbine is known as tangential flow turbine .
There are two types of RADIAL FLOW TURBINE they are as follows:- RADIAL FLOW TURBINNE:- If the water flow in radial direction through runner, the turbine is called radial flow turbine. There are two types of RADIAL FLOW TURBINE they are as follows:- (1)INWARD RADIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows from outward to inward radial flow turbine. (2)OUTWARD RADIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flows from inward to outward radial flow turbine.
AXIAL FLOW TURBINE:- If the water flow through the runner along the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the runner, the turbine is called axial flow turbine. Ex. Kaplan Turbine, Propeller Turbine. The shaft of axial flow turbine is vertical. The lower end of shat is known as hub and the vanes are fixed on the hub and this hub works as runner. When the vanes are fixed at the hub and they are not adjustable , the turbine is known is propeller turbine
BASED ON SPECIFIC SPEED Types of turbines 10-35 Pelton wheel with one nozzel 36-60 Pelton wheel with two or more, multi jet pelton wheel nozzel 60-300 Francise Turbine 300-1000 Kaplan Turbine
MAIN COMPONENTS OF TURBINES:- (1)PENSTOCK:- Large diameter tube through the water from dam comes to the turbine inlet. It is made from steel. (2)SPRING CASING:- a. It is closed passage whose diameter gradually decreases along flow of direction. Area is maximum at inlet & nearly zero at exist. b. To maintain constant flow rate, numerous opening provided. (3)GUIDE VANES:- a. It is aero foil shaped vanes fixed between two rings. b. It convert a part of pressure energy into kinetic energy.
(4)GOVERNING MECHANISM:- It can change the position of guide vanes to vary the flow on turbine. (5) RUNNER:- a. Profile is designed so that water enter inwards in radial direction and leave it in the axial direction. b. Runner rotates due to impules and reaction effects. c. It is classified into fast, medium and slow. (6) DRAFT TUBE:- a. It is gradually expanding tube which discharge water passing through the runner to tail race. b. Generally with increasing diameter in flow direction.
The pelton wheel is a water tangential flow turbine. This turbine is used for high heads. The main components of pelton wheel or turbine. 1. Nozzle and Spear 2. Runner and Bucket 3. Casing 4. Breaking Jet