1 THE OIE REPORT 32 nd VICH SC Meeting / 6 th VICH Outreach Forum Meeting Jean-Pierre Orand, Anses, France, OIE Collaborating Centre
22 The link between the OIE and VICH OIE - founding member of VICH Cooperated since 2008 with the SC to widen its scope to include other countries Part of the 5 th Strategic plan of OIE for Nov 2011, Tokyo: “Contact meeting” of VICH SC with 3 regional organisations and 10 non- VICH countries => founding of the Outreach Forum (OF) Since then, OF meetings at each VICH SC meeting: 06/2012: 27 th SC – 1 st OF 02/2013: 28 th SC – 2 nd OF 11/2013: 29 th SC – 3 rd OF 06/2014: 30 th SC – 4 th OF 02/2015: 31 st SC – 5 th OF 11/2015: 32 nd SC – 6 th OF
33 Support provided by the OIE Dissemination of information on VICH to OIE member countries Feedback to OIE Delegates of Outreach Member countries Promotion of VICH and Outreach Forum objectives Support to VICH: Training Strategy development, surveys
44 Information to OIE Member Countries After each VICH SC / Outreach Forum meeting, a letter is sent to all 180 OIE Member countries: Summary of the meetings Recommendations from the meetings Distribution of GL for public comments with request to send comments to OIE Collation of comments, forwarding to VICH SC Forum countries: need for sustainability and continuity, and allocation of funding, nomination of “Focal Person”
55 Outreach Forum countries Before each VICH SC / Outreach Forum, letter is sent to OIE Delegates of Forum Countries Objective: Reiterate the OIE position on the importance of the VICH Outreach Forum Support participation by Outreach Forum Countries and underline the need for sustainability”
66 Promotion of VICH / Forum activities VICH presentation during OIE Focal Point (FP) training seminars FPs = link between OIE and country, should establish a network with relevant authorities and enhance communication to Delegate, experts, and stakeholders 3 rd Training cycle completed VICH remains a topic on the agenda of 4 th cycle VICH and Outreach Forum members actively participate Good opportunity to receive feedback from countries on Outreach Forum Engage Outreach Forum members in seminars (Morocco Algeria; South Africa Mozambique, Argentina Canada, Ukraine Europe, ASEAN Asia/Pacific)
77 Promotion of VICH/Forum activities Since Feb 2015 (5 th Outreach Forum meeting) preparation of the 4 th cycle OIE Focal Points for Veterinary Products training seminars December 2015, Ouganda Africa EN region January 2016, Africa FR region March 2016, Asia/Pacific region Main item : AMR VICH – registration of vet medicines Quality of medicines Antiparasitic medicines
88 OIE news concerning VMPs
99 83rd General Session in May 2015 Resolution Nr 26 “Combating Antimicrobial Resistance and Promoting the Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Animals” adopted by the 180 OIE Member Countries Considering the tripartite agreement between FAO, OIE and WHO to address as a priority antimicrobial resistance… OIE Member Countries to follow the guidance of the WHO Global Action Plan …in the spirit of the “One Health” approach… The OIE to develop a procedure and standards for data quality for collecting data annually from OIE Member Countries on the use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals… The participation of OIE Member Countries in the VICH Outreach Forum be facilitated with the aim of adopting and utilising harmonised international guidelines related to the technical requirements for registration of veterinary medicinal products.
10 OIE global database on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals Collection of baseline information and different reporting options Antimicrobial sales /use in food producing animals Collection of quantitative information Usage patterns by animal species Antimicrobial agent or class Type of use (therapeutic vs non-therapeutic) Administration route
11 OIE global database on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals New ad hoc Group: guidance to collect harmonised quantitative data A questionnaire sent to Member Countries on a yearly basis Training seminars for OIE National Focal Points on veterinary products 11
12 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Current status: Global Action Plan 3 AMR Resolutions : WHO, FAO and OIE OIE database development Tripartite FAO/OIE/WHO Focal Point meeting Veterinary legislation missions under PVS OECD
13 83rd General Session in May 2015 Adoption of revised : chap 6.7 on Harmonisation of national antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring programmes chap 6.10 on Risk analysis for antimicrobial resistance arising from the use of antimicrobials in animals Adoption of the following final chapters for the Terrestrial Manual : Chap Principles of veterinary vaccine production Election of the new Director General : Dr Monique ELOIT (01/01/2016)
14 Other OIE meetings Ad Hoc Group on priorisation of diseases for which vaccines could reduce anitmicrobial use in animals : OIE, Paris, April 2015 Ad Hoc Group on vaccines bank : OIE, Paris, 3- 5 June 2015 Ad Hoc Group on a global database on the use of antimicrobial agents in animal : OIE, Paris August 2015
15 Thank you for your attention!