Specifications and Details for Wildlife Measures Wildlife Contracts Branch
Cuts off migration corridors Partitions population into smaller gene pools Blocked resourcesFragmentation
Wildlife-Friendly Fencing General Notes 1.Intermediate Post Assemblies shall be located as shown and at intervals not to exceed 50’ or midway between all braced posts 2.For game fences the bottom wire shall be barbless. 3.The stays on game fences shall have their ends turned up to prevent injuries to game.
Wildlife-Friendly Fencing: Ungulate PVC
Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions 1-2 million large animals killed per year in the U.S. >100% increase over the last decade >200 human fatalities per year in the U.S. 1 million vertebrates killed per day in the U.S.
Completion of Crosswalk & Fencing 97% Reduction in Elk-Vehicle Collisions
Standard Ungulate-Exclusion Fence
Escape Jump-Outs
Tortoise-Exclusion Fencing s/docs/dt/dt_fieldmanual/CHAPTER%208.pdf
Culverts Bigger is better for diversity and functionality Design should include a natural substrate whenever possible Ends, including energy dissipation measures, should not prevent utilization by smaller species
Underpasses Work better than culverts for most species due to the added openness
Overpasses Work best for virtually all species due to maximized openness
SR 260 Elk Crosswalk TEST AREA ELK CROSSING 1500 FEET AHEAD TEST AREA ELK CROSSING 1500 FEET AHEAD 80’ Detection zone 80’ Detection zone 8’ ElectroBraid Fence Thermal Infrared Camera Pedestrian Gate 4’ Right-Of-Way Fence ElectroMat Barrier Thermal Image Thermal Infrared Camera 8’ ElectroBraid Wing-Fence “Jump-Out” Escape Ramp “Jump-Out” Escape Ramp 4’ Right-Of-Way Fence
Resources mmon/Documents_Technical_Wildlife_Conne ctivity.asp mmon/Documents_Technical_Wildlife_Conne ctivity.asp vc/ch4.asp#four-5 vc/ch4.asp#four-5 FencingStudyFR pdf FencingStudyFR pdf