1 Yagmur Torun, IIT Katsuya Yonehara, Fermilab Dec 16, 2010 – MAP PMG Meeting
MTA Status: Detectors & DAQ Scintillation counters in the hall being retested this week and next Preparing for DAQ infrastructure to support 2 nd RF station extra electronics rack installed in Linac Gallery new patch panels in hall and Linac new signal cables to be terminated some parts in the machine shop Part of the DAQ (CAMAC) that reads out scintillators being debugged The other part (LabView) that controls the RF is stable Both will be tested with a common external trigger next week during pillbox cavity commissioning Expect all this to be ready by the end of December Also want to install some sensors for monitoring the environment in the hall (temp/humidity, air flow and quality, water on floor) parts mostly in hand, will proceed when other jobs complete 2
MTA Status: Shielding, Cryo, Beamline Bead installation in penetrations mostly complete Hand-stack blocks for refrigerator room delivered Cryo system stable but we have some work to be scheduled need to replace 2 leaking valves 2 weeks of downtime required for reconfiguration (to address condensation in the hall) preferable to do both at the same time 2nd compressor hooked up, still to be powered (coordination with Booster) and commissioned Water from the hall to be dumped outside or moved to MI65 for evaporation/disposal as necessary Expect to have cryo manpower by mid-January New core for 2nd beam stop is ready, 3 days of work left in the hall to replace the core and install the multiwire Beam pipe extension to be complete late January Stability test for beamline magnets carried out last night 3
MTA Status: RF 805 pillbox is installed and under vacuum Calibration tomorrow after which we'll be ready to power it Will also get the surveyors to align it Instrumentation should be complete next week Analysis of magnetic field data for the solenoid (needed for box cavity data analysis) in progress 2 nd 805 MHz RF station set up RF switch installed lift table assembled in the hall waveguide parts available directional couplers on order can install HPRF cavity this month 4
MTA Status: Urgent items & issues We could use help with the following minor issues Machine shop priority for electronics rack door modifications Same for beam pipe extension Tech effort for connector installation on cables in the MTA Hall Recent retirement program will affect operations Wickenberg (MTA building manager) Mau (AD/Operations) Misek (AD/Mechanical) Longer term Preparing for coupling coil installation (early 2012?) major task that will require resources 5
Prospect of High Pressurized H2 gas filled RF cavity project Short term (~ FY12) Demonstrate thecavity under high radiation condition Investigate beam induced plasma in the cavity Figure out beam loadingmechanismand suppress it Make a new cavity to test the modification technology Provide information to high level management group for RF technology selection (including with safety issue) Long term (FY13 ~) If the HPRF cavity is chosen as the RF technology Make a realistic RF cavity - Test in cryogenic condition - Test in cooling channel fields - Test gas regulation system - etc 6
Time table of HPRF beam test Nov, 2010Dec, 2010Jan, 2011 RF modification, assemble & calibration Wave Guide & Circulator Beam line Detector & DAQ Timing Calibration RF test without beam RF beam test 805 MHz button cavity test Time duration: 3~4 months Beam will be available in January 7
MTA beam line MTA experimental hall MTA solenoid magnet Final beam absorber 400 MeV H - beam Beam profile: Deliver 400 MeVH - beam in the MTA exp. hall to H - /pulse Tune beam intensity by using collimator and triplet Reduce factor from full linac int. down to 1/40 or less MTA exp hall 400 MeV H - beam 8
Apparatus for beam test 400 MeV H - beam Elastic scattered proton from vacuum window (100~1000 events/pulse) No energized device within 15 feet from HP cavity due to hydrogen safety issue Beam must be stopped in the magnet due to radiation safety New apparatus: New HPRF cavity Beam extension line Collimator+Beam absorber Luminescence screen+CCD Beam counter RF circulator + damper etc… (Ti) Bound electrons of negative Hydrogen will be fully stripped in the vacuum window Ex) Thickness = 4.5 g/cm 3 × 0.1 = 0.45 g/cm 2 Stripping cross section ~ cm /47.9 × = =
New RF cavity& collimator 10 Current status New RF test cellis ready New rail systemis ready New collimatoris ready Final check and modification Collimator HPRF cell RF coax line beam Gas inlet RF inlet Support rail Luminescence screen 10
Beam extension line 400 MeV H - beam Elastic scattered proton from vacuum window (Ti) Current status Discussed with engineer Final drawing will come out soon They expected two weeksforconstruction period 11 5 meter 1 meter
New beam diagnosticsystem 400 MeV H - beam Elastic scattered proton from vacuum window (Ti) Current status Luminescence screen+ CCDare ready Prepare a telescope beam counter tomake a beam trigger signal Make a small toroidcoilto measure beam intensity 12
Data flow and acquisition 13
Data acquisition system 14 SiPM/PMT RF Pickup 1 2 RF Forward 1 RF Return 1 Beam counter RF Klystron trigger System trigger Gate NameDiagnostic signal ADC input SiPM/PMT1Top plate Light trig. Fast Osc1 SiPM/PMT2Top plate Spectroscopic Fast Osc1 SiPM/PMT3Topl plate TPB/spare SiPM/PMT4Side wall Light trig. SiPM/PMT5Side wall Spectroscopic SiPM/PMT6Side wall TPB/spare RF Pickup1Electric signalFast Osc1 RF Pickup2Magnetic signalSlow Osc RF Forward1Upstream of Circulator RF Return1Upstream of Circulator Slow Osc RF Forward2Between Circulator&cavity RF Return2Between Circulator&cavity Slow Osc Toroid1In front of cavityFast Osc1 Toroid2MTA beamlineFast Osc2 Beam counterTelescopeFast Osc2 RF KlystronTTL From MCRFast Osc2 14
Fine timing calibration ps Laser HPRF Optical feedthrough SiPM/PMT Digital Oscilloscope ½” Heliax for RF pickup signal ½” Heliax for Optical signal Current status All devices is ready Goal: Timing calibration < 100 ps 15
Summary 16 Beam test will be ready in January, 2010!! Study beam induced plasma physics - Made model and simulate RF Q factor reduction due to plasma - Made analysis tool to investigate plasma in the cavity New RF cavity, collimator system, and beam absorber are ready - Need final check and small modification - Need to build beam extension and vacuum window - Need to extend 800 MHz waveguide - Need to assemble RF power dumper Diagnostic system - Need to work on beam counter and toroid coil - Luminescence screen and CCD are ready Data acquisition system -LabView system is ready - Need to work on logic signal (CAMAC) system Documentation for safety assessment - Hydrogen safety document is ready - Preparation of radiation shielding assessment is on going