Ashland Redevelopment Authority Let’s work together to revitalize downtown! May 22, 2013 updated 06/4/13
Agenda Introductions Purpose of the meeting Formula for success Urban Renewal Plan (URP) Group Collaboration Goals Highlights of the Boston Architectural College Deliverable to ARA
ARA TEAM Enzo Scalora, Chair Graham Ruggie, Vice Chair Andrea Green, Treasurer David Beaudoin, Member Sara Hines, Governor Appointment Charlotte Peterson, Admin. Assistant Ed Bates, Consultant
Purpose To provide an update on revitalization efforts Communicate/collaborate with other town boards and committees, and Convey potential projects with particular focus on short term projects
Formula for Success Respect one another's opinion Communicate and collaborate Breed a culture of team work and trust Demonstrate flexibility Egos and emotions need to be checked at the door…bring your passion! Keep the momentum moving in the right direction Stay focused
Urban Renewal Plan The Urban Renewal Program is a program that allows municipalities to revitalize substandard, decadent or blighted open areas for residential, commercial, industrial, business, governmental, recreational, educational, hospital or other purposes. Urban renewal projects help municipalities redevelop deteriorated areas by providing the economic environment needed to attract and support private investment.
Urban Renewal Plan (URP) There were some 15 studies leading up to the development of the URP URP spans a 20 year horizon Draft plan was approved by the BOS and Planning board with conditions Full Plan must receive final approval from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Urban Development (DHCD) to meet qualifications
URP GEOGRAPHIC Downtown to the “T”
Group Collaboration Exercise Break out into groups, with a minimum of 5 people in each group Nominate a spokesperson Perform the following task: Identify two (2-3) problems that exist in downtown Ashland that can be solved in the short term (within 4 years)and gain community consensus without creating sunk costs. How would you go about solving those problems?
What did we learn? Visual clutter exists due to public signage, utilities and lack of coherent infrastructure Roadway improvements needed to address traffic, curbing and parking Sidewalks, pedestrian crossing, bike travel and movement throughout need to be addressed Lighting improvements needed
What did we learn? Street edge and landscaping need to be addressed Zoning modifications are needed Review tax basis and incentives Work with property owners and business to improve existing structures Ashland needs to invest in itself if we want business and residents to invest in Ashland
Short Term (updated from mtg.) Possible ProjectsPossible Action Events to draw people into downtown creating positive activity Farmers market Ashland Half Marathon Rediscover Ashland Other Expansion of Marathon ParkCleanup what’s there Conceptual plans for expansion CPA funds Streetscape & Storefront redesignPossibly give a one time grant to property/business owner MAPC grants Parking Study/TrafficTeam with Town Planner/Planning Board to evaluate traffic/parking ‘as is’ and ‘to be”
Short Term (cont.) Possible ProjectsPossible Action Signage upgradesPerform signage inventory Remove current signs (fixed or temporary not required or needed) Identify funding sources Develop a plan for phased signage improvements with historical elements Select intersection upgradesIdentify the locations for intersection upgrades Identify funding sources Develop a plan for phased intersection improvements with historical elements Implement one (1) intersection per year
Short Term (cont.) Possible ProjectsPossible Action New Town GreenEvaluate the Green in context of 125 Front Street Collaborate on possible events/features Cultural District/Center Historic Preservation/District Lighting upgrades Branding of DowntownReplicate Beverly Main St. Process Bike Paths Create Right mix of businesses and market
Certain BAC Suggestions Signage Intersection upgrades Town Green
Mid Term Projects 125 Front Street Development Rehab of Commercial, Industrial, and Residential property within the URP Geographic
Long Term Projects Redevelopment of Existing Police and Fire Facilities
Next Steps (updated from mtg.) Create a core Downtown Revitalization Team of 7 people made up of various town Boards and book monthly working sessions –Request boards provide 2 possible candidates for consideration –BOS, Planning, ARA, CPA, Design Review, Finance, Business Rep. –Supported by Asst. TM, Town Planner –Facilitated by ARA
Next Steps (updated from mtg.) Have initial Town Hall meeting to select top 4-5 short term projects Revitalization team to prioritize 4-5 short term projects Revitalization team to select top 3 and develop strategy, general funding options, and schedule for moving forward Utilize ARA for vehicle to accomplish RFP’s and contract Book quarterly Town Hall meetings for updates Revitalization Team to be final decision maker if consensus cannot be reached