WP9 updated Upgrade of SPARC test facility for high gradient acceleration of electron beams for SuperB collider and FEL projects WP number9Start month1End month36 WP TitleHGA (High Gradient Acceleration) Activity TypeRTD Objective Upgrade of SPARC Test Facility for High Gradient Acceleration studies of electron beams for SuperB and FEL projects Participant number78 INFNPSI Person-months 67 5428 24 20% cut 15% cut
Changes after budget cut One Subtask (9.1.1) cancelled: “design and construction of a SLED (pulse compressor)” Cut of Milestone 9.2 (SLED design) PSI will keep their Task on RF-LLE but implementation at SPARC will be performed by INFN personnel Keeping sub-contract with Rome University for 30 keuro re-scoping their contribution with RF bench measurements and simulation of wake fields in accelerating structures New travel rate (650 euro/travel) Consequence of budget cut: lower final energy due to SLED cut (possible implementation after TIARA with other funds). This will not have impact on the main scope of the WP that is the test of the C-band Linac
New Tasks & Subtasks 9.1SPARC-UPStudy of SPARC upgrade in energy 9.1.1ACCP-DESDesign of a C-band accelerating structure prototype: simulation and optimization 9.1.3ACCP-CADDesign of a C-band accelerating structure prototype: preparation of CAD mechanical drawings 9.1.4ACCP-DESModifications of the accelerating structures design if needed after prototype test 9.2ACCP-CADModifications of CAD mechanical drawings if needed after prototype test 9.2RF-LLERF Low Level Electronics 9.2.1LLE-DESDesign of a digital LLRF electronics 9.2.2LLE-CONConstruction and test of a prototype at SPARC 9.3SPARC-CONConstruction and test of SPARC C-band section 9.3.1HGA-HDWAcquisition of necessary hardware and material 9.3.2ACC-PROTConstruction and test of an accelerating structure prototype with a reduced number of cells to be tested at high power 9.3.3ACC-CONConstruction, installation on SPARC of the final accelerating structures 9.3.4ACC-TESTTest of C-band upgrade at SPARC
New Deliverables NumNatShort nameDescriptionMonthPM D9.1PSPARC-CConstruction of accelerating structures2454 D9.2OSPARC-TCommissioning and test of the C-band Linac structure at SPARC 3524 NumNatShort nameDescriptionMonth M9.1OHARDW-AHardware acquisition6 M9.2RACC-DDesign of accelerating structures18 M9.3RRF-LLE-DDesign RF-LLE18 M9.4PRF-LLE-PFirst RF-LLE prototype24 New Milestones
New budget (k € ) INFN + PSIOriginalReducedCut (%) Personnel (PM) Travels (direct) Material (direct) Sub-contracting30 - Total cost
New GANNT chart