Integrated Behavioral Health Golden Valley Health Centers
Golden Valley Health Centers Behavioral Team: 20 Behavioral Health Clinicians 3 Psychiatrist 1 Addiction Specialist 2 Case Managers 3 Outreach Workers
Behavioral Health Services: Support Groups Psychiatry Case Management Outreach
Behavioral Health Consultaion Services These services are delivered within the primary care setting and are available for any patient referred by a primary care provider for any reason. The Behavioral Health Clinician, who is a member of the care team, delivers these services.
The primary obejectives of integrated behavioral health services are: to engage in population based education, prevention and early intervention with the patients of GVHC, as well as the community at large regarding behavioral health. work as a team with the Primary Care Provider (PCP) in the recognition, treatment and management of mental disorders and psychosocial issues, to provide assessment and diagnosis in order to assist PCP in treatment of behavioral health (BH) problems to provide formal and informal training to PCP’s in order to increase understanding and skill in intervening on behavioral health issues.
The primary obejectives of integrated behavioral health services are: to engage patients in brief treatment pathways and/or brief psychotherapy when indicated to work with PCP’s and consulting psychiatrist to manage chronically mentally ill patients who are otherwise without resource in the community To provide focused interventions to improve patient’s functioning and well-being
Behavioral Health Consultation Services Assessment/Evaluation (20-45 minutes) Brief General Consultation (1-3 visits, minutes) Consultative Co-Management (co-manage patient with PCP, minutes, long term, infrequent intervals) Brief Treatment Pathways (3-15 visits)
Referring: The vast majority of referrals to behavioral health services should come from primary care providers. However, there is no ‘wrong door’ within GVHC to obtain BH services. The following is a non-exhaustive list of staff that might refer a patient for services: Health Educators Patient Care Coordinators Dentists CPSP workers Nurses
Accessing the Behavioral Health Consultant In integrated behavioral health services, the focus will be on same-day access for patients being seen by primary care providers. Only by seeing a high percentage of same day referrals is the behavioral health program truly population based. Research informs us that men, the elderly, ethnic minorities and other groups have a higher level of stigma regarding mental health services, and are not likely to come to a BH appointment scheduled ahead. By seeing these patients as an extension of their visit with their PCP, the behavioral health clinician is able to assess and intervene on a percentage of the population that would never normally have contact with a mental health clinician.
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