Health, Disability & Life Insurance
What is Health Insurance? Protection - against risk of loss due to accident or illness Premium/fee – money you pay Insurer or Insurance company- pays your medical bills Health insurance- refers to medical expenses
Types of Health Insurance A. Basic Health Insurance Hospital Surgical Doctors B. Major Medical services not covered under basis C. Prescription Drug D. Dental E. Vision
Insurance Terms Benefit- what is covered under the policy Copayment- flat fee $20, $40, $50, $60 Coinsurance- percentage of bill you pay – 20%, 30% Deductible – amount you pay before insurance company pays Out of Pocket Maximum – most you pay for health care services Benefit Limit- the most an insurer will pay Exclusions/Limitations- what’s not covered or limited in coverage
Private Health Insurance Plans For profit insurance companies Provide group and individual insurance coverage Examples of Private Insurance Companies BlueCross Blue Shield Aetna United Health Care Cigna Kaiser Permanente
Private Health Insurance Plans I. Traditional Indemnity Plan Freedom of choice Most expensive II. Managed Care Plan A. HMO 1. PCP + Referral to Specialist 2. Most restrictive, least expensive B. POS 1. HMO + Indemnity 2. More flexible, moderately priced C. PPO 1. PPO + Indemnity 2. More flexible, most expensive
Government Health Insurance I. Medicare People over age 65+ Part A- hospital services Part B- doctor/surgical services Medi-gap – supplemental policy which pays Medicare balances II. Medicaid Insurance for low-income people Paid for with tax dollars III. Tri-Care (Military) Active and retired military personnel + family
Disability Income Insurance Protects your income if disabled Most valuable resource is: Ability to Work = Earning Power! Main Sources of Disability Income: Worker’s Compensation Employer Social Security Private Insurance Note: never pay s 100%
Life Insurance Life Insurance – Is not for the Dead! Protects the living and their standard of life Creates an estate for the living… Beneficiary- the person named to receive the death benefit Who Needs Life Insurance???????????? Family
3 Types of Life Insurance Term Insurance Temporary insurance Whole Life Insurance Permanent policy Builds up cash value/ serves as an investment Savings and death benefit Group Life Insurance Term life through some type of organization
3 Key Life Insurance Features 1-Naming your Beneficiary 2- Suicide Clause 3-Incontestability Clause- 2 years