Maximizing Benefits Minimizing Blunders Practical Recommendations for Global Health Experiences
Introductions Andrew Morris, MD Faculty, MAHEC HFMRP Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Family Medicine, UNC-CH full-time volunteer physician, Clinica Hombro a Hombro, Santa Lucia, Honduras Short-term Global Health Experiences Mexico Haiti Sudan Kenya Ghana Martha Carlough, MD, MPH Associate Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine, UNC-CH Director, Office of International Activities UNC/Chapel Hill Safe Motherhood Advisor, IntraHealth International, Inc. Nepal Women and children’s health
If you could use your skills, resources, and passions in any way in a global health context; what would you do?
primum non nocere
Okhaldhunga Hospital, Nepal
Epigastric pain United States Dyspepsia/Gastritis (NSAID, IBS, EtOH) Duodenal ulcer (Goode powders, H. pylori) Pancreatitis GB disease Dysmotility - diabetes Parasites – G. lamblia Gastric Carcinoma Ghana Dyspepsia/Gastritis – H. pylori – Dysmotility-pseudo-obstruction – G. lamblia – Intestinal flukes – Ascariasis- gastric, biliary, pancreatic – EtOH Duodenal ulcer Hunger Sickle-cell VOC Gastric Carcinoma
Belief Systems
End with self-reflection ding_chest_x-ray_ jpg
the end