Aims of the lesson: To explore how language is used to shape meaning. To consider other interpretations of the short story To read The Werewolf and consider common thematic issues.
Little Red Riding Hood Original StoryCarter’s version Stereotypical gender roles are demonstrated – the grandmother is rescued by a Huntsman etc. Red Riding Hood wears the red cape – seen as innocent. She is the victim. Stranger Danger is the moral message Patriarchal tyranny The wolf represents male sexual predators. Gender roles subverted – the grandmother is powerful as the wolf. Red Riding Hood is described with masculine qualities – destroys the wolf and can skilfully use a hunting knife. Red Riding Hood as a sheepskin cloak – wealth? She is predatory. Link to the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Not innocent. She defends herself against the wolf/grandmother. She is not remorseful and joins in with the stoning. Generations are easily replaced. Red Riding Hood replaces the grandmother and lives in the house and “prospers” Message could be to be wary of females as well as males – family members betraying one another. Generation of motherhood? Witchcraft Is the grandmother protecting her role as the mother?
Read the two articles... What was interesting?What did you not understand or believe? Gradesaver: How girls are jealous of each other – need to look at why this exists? Idea of lack of self control Projection of fears and desires How she may have turned into a witch Gradesaver: The stuff on the devil The idea of self control
In The Bloody Chamber, childhood fairytales become the stuff of adult nightmares.. How far do you agree with this comment with regard to The Snow Child? Did my partner: 1)Use appropriate critical vocabulary and have a structured coherent argument? 2)Consider how language structure and form shapes meaning? 3) Answer the question? /3
Home Learning Podcast! Due: Monday 8 th July