Презентацию подготовила: Филиппова Марина, 5б класс, МБОУ ХТЛ г. Кирова Руководитель: Поздеева Екатерина Владимировна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ ХТЛ г. Кирова 2014
Hello! My name is Marina. I’m ten years old. I’m in the fifth form. My favorite subjects are English and Art. My favorite painter is V.M. Vasnetsov. I’d like to tell about him!
CHILDHOOD Vasnetsov Viktor Michailovich was born on the third of May in 1848 in the village Lo’ayl, Kirov region. His father was a priest. This is painter’s family home
STUDENT YEARS V.M. Vasnetsov studied at the Vyatka Seminary in Then he entered the drawing school in St.Petersburg. In his teacher was I.N. Kramskoy. Victor and his brother Apollinaire were famous Russian painters.
THE MOST FAMOUS PICTURES V.M. Vasnetsov painted historical pictures, illustrations for folk fairy tales, portraits of poor people. He was a theater artist. He painted St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Kiev ( ).
Three princesses from underground kingdom
Ivan Czarevitch on the grey wolf
The knight at the crossroad
My favorite picture Most of all I like the picture “Heroes”. V. M. Vasnetsov had been working on it for 20 years. This picture is very realistic and colorful. The heroes are Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. They are very strong and brave, but kind and fair. When I have free time, I like to read epics about them.
Conclusion V.M. Vasnetsov made a great contribution to the history of architecture and design. He was a great Vyatka painter. The people of our town are proud of him and his wonderful pictures. There is a museum and a monument in honor of Victor and Apollinaire Vasnetsovs in Kirov.
Bibliography Зархи, С. Б. Истинный богатырь русской живописи [Текст] //Читаем, учимся, играем, №2. – С. 27 – 36 Сигнавский, В. Н. Величайшие гении русского искусства: мастера живописи, графики, скульптуры и архитектуры XVIII – XXвв. [Текст] / В. Н. Сигнавский. – М.: АСТ, – 320с.