13 Januar 2011 Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna) Annekathrin Frankenberger (HEPHY Vienna) SVD Cooling Cooling Meeting Karlsuhe.


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Presentation transcript:

13 Januar 2011 Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna) Annekathrin Frankenberger (HEPHY Vienna) SVD Cooling Cooling Meeting Karlsuhe

SVD Cooling Focus of the Vienna Group Cooling tubes inside the detector Service paths from plant to the detector Cooling test plant design Gaining measure and control experience Collecting thermo dynamical data from the test plant Applying that data to specifications for the closed loop cooling plant 2Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Cooling Tubes Cooling loop connects at least two ladders Loops will be attached to ladders by clips made from airex Inlet and outlet are on the same side Distribution to cooling lines via manifold 3Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 Beam Mask Support Cone Cooling Loop Inlet/Outlet End Rings

SVD Cooling Cooling Loops AISI 316L tubes bent by a company in Swiss 50µm wall thickness and 1.5 mm diameter Pressure rating is scheduled for end of January 4Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 Two Ladder Loop Four Ladder Loop

SVD Cooling End Ring Cooling Similar to SVD 2 design but larger in diameter Cooling channels are inside of the ring Thermocompression bonding is used to weld halves Cooling channel have inlet on one side and outlet in the oposing side to allow serialization of end ring cooling 5Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 Cooling inlet Split Line Cooling outlet (not visible in picture) Cooling Channel

SVD Cooling Static Pressure Simulation 100 bar pressure 60 g weight per fixture Maximum deformation: mm 6Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Support Assembly Built around beam pipe SVD support structure is split into halves End ring cooling will need a separate loop for each side Prototypes of the end rings are currently manufactured 7Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 Beam Mask End Rings Support Cone Patch Panel Space Four Cooling Loops

SVD Cooling CO 2 Cooling Status Sophisticated open CO 2 system under development Plant has to be a compact and transportable system Component selection is finished, 80% of all components are already in Vienna CAD design is 90% finished Electrical design has started (Control system developed by Vienna) Assembly of the plant is currently done 8Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 CAD Model of Mass flow control valve

SVD Cooling Process Schematic 9Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Process Schematic 10Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Process Schematic 11Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Process Schematic 12Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling CO 2 Open System Layout 13Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 T= 23°C P=57bar T> -20°C P=57bar T= -20°C P=20bar

SVD Cooling Pressure regulator Two pressure regulators and one backpressure regulator are necessary One is used to keep a steady inlet pressure of 56 bar The second is used instead of a capillary to reduce pressure between bar before the evaporator A bypass is implemented to allow the use of a capillary to study the required lengths Backpressure regulator ensures flow only above sublimation pressure 14Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Pressure Sensors Monitor pressure on strategic points Used for characterization of the cooling plant Pressure is monitored by the electronic control 15Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Mass Flow Meter Measures mass flow and sends value to control electronics Values are used to control mass flow valve The whole system is controlled by those two components 16Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling CAD Drawing Compact design that is self contained Needs a power plug and a D-Sub connector Gas bottle and cooling tubes are connected externally Electronic control system operates the plant even if no external PC is connected Fits into a 19” rack 17Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011

SVD Cooling Real System Progress Aluminum frame has been welded First components are installed 18Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011 Heat Exchanger Mass Flow Meter Valves Reserved Area for Heater

SVD Cooling Outlook Finishing the assembly by January Pressure testing Installation of electrical components Commissioning around march Generation of a test protocol to gather plant characteristics Test run with SVD dummy as soon as operation is safe 19Immanuel Gfall (HEPHY Vienna)13 Januar 2011