How fast? An athlete runs 100m in 10s. 100 m/ 10s = 10m/s A rocket doing 280,000m in 20s. (Do also in km/s.) m / 20s = m/s How long? A sprinter does 100m. His average speed was 25 m/s. 100 m/ 25 ms -1 = 4 s A greyhound does 25 m/s, and the track is 750m. 750 m/ 25 ms-1 = 30s How far? A cheetah does 30 m/s for 500s. 30m/s x 500s = m Concorde travelled the sky 650 m/s for 25s. 650m/s x 25 s=16250 m
Discipline in Science (behaviour/effort) Detentions recorded. More than one 20 minute detention = 1 hour detention + being on report. Sent out = 1 hour detention + on report.
Distance-time graphs L.O.: Use distance-time graphs to work out the speed of an object.
Distance-time graph
1)As you watch this clip, pay attention to how to measure the slope at any point along the distance-time graph. 2)Calculate the 3 different slopes in the simulation
To do: 1)Distance-time graphs worksheet. 2)The journey of cyclist worksheet. 3)Workbook: page 57 Q1, page 58 Q1&2
Distance-time graphs L.O.: Use distance-time graphs to work out the speed of an object.