a. Why is communication changing? Communication is a continuous change because fifty million user have varied the social media for years. At the beginning the last century the social media were radio and newpaper. In the middle of the last century TV was born. Internet appeared at the end of that century and at the beginning of this century. The techology advance a big steps; there are changes continuous every little time. Tuenti, facebook, twitter, yahoo, gmail are currently some the new red social.
Mention two examples of social media that you normally use, and briefly explain why. I often use the social media Tuenti, facebook and twitter because I can talk to my friends and see photos of everything that I Know. In facebook I can talk to my family and in Twitter with famous is really funny. With Skype I can see and talk to my family or my friends when they are on holidays in other countries.
c. What is communication “y”? Is the Millennial generation. An exemple of this is tuenti, facebook is more comfortable and familiar working in real-time, adopting new technology trends and working with social tools in the workplace. To bring in this workforce, recruitment through social media is critical. Social software in the workplace is the collaboration tool of today’s generation.