Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens New Key Stage Two Tests 2016 A question for you to think about while you are waiting... A lighthouse is 17m tall. Approximately how many feet tall is the lighthouse? 5ft10ft17ft50ft100ft170ft
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Agenda and aims: A quick guide to the tests (video clip) More detailed information: Reading Punctuation, grammar and spelling Writing Mathematics Time for questions
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens The test week: Monday 9 th May – Friday 13 th May 2016 Your child MUST be in school for every test
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Changes to the tests for 2016 In 2014 the government introduced the new curriculum. The expectations of what a year 6 child should know by the end of Key Stage 2 is much harder than it has been previously and the pass mark is not yet known. It is believed that pupils will at least need to be working to the 'old' 4B level.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens New expectations in reading: Poetry - contemporary and classic: recite, perform, learn by heart Reading - understand the meaning of words in context
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Structure of the test:
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Scrap suggests that it is tiny and fragile. ‘Emerald’ tells us that it is shimmering green.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Test format - reading: The reading test comprises of 1 test with two booklets. Reading booklet with a selection of texts ( words) Answer booklet to complete in 60 minutes (including reading time) for a maximum of 50 marks.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens How the test is marked: Marked externally The raw score (the total out of 50 marks) will be converted into a scaled score and each child will receive an overall result indicating whether or not they have achieved the required standard on the test.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens What types of questions will be asked in the reading test? Multiple choice Ranking / ordering Matching Labelling Find and copy Name / state / give Explain / prediction / inference / deduction Describe
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens What is being assessed in the English Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling test? Grammatical terms / word classes Function of sentences Combining words, phrases and clauses Verb form, tense and consistency Punctuation Vocabulary Standard English and formality
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Test format - EPGS: The EPGS test comprises of 2 tests. Paper 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary - short answer questions - 45 minutes with a maximum of 50 marks. Paper 2 - spelling test - 15 minutes long with a maximum of 20 marks.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens How will the tests be marked? Marked externally. The raw score (the total out of 70 marks – EPG and spelling combined) will be converted into a scaled score and each child will receive an overall result indicating whether or not they have achieved the required standard on the test.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Question type: Tenses
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Question type: Phrases and clauses
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Assessment of Writing: There is no formal test for writing. The children's writing is assessed throughout their time in year 6. There is a moderation process for writing and the work from now until May is examined and judged. New expectations for writing: evaluate, edit and proof-read own writing precise use of grammar and punctuation in sentence structures. be able to choose the correct genre for the task given and therefore how to write appropriately for different audiences e.g. formal and informal.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Interim teacher assessment framework at the end of key stage 2 - writing Working towards the expected standard The pupil can write for a range of purposes and audiences: using paragraphs to organise ideas describing settings and characters using some cohesive devices within and across sentences and paragraphs using different verb forms mostly accurately using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions using capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contraction mostly correctly spelling some words correctly (years 5 and 6) producing legible joined handwriting.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Working at the expected standard The pupil can write for a range of purposes and audiences (including writing a short story): creating atmosphere, and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action selecting vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect the level of formality required mostly correctly using a range of cohesive devices, including adverbials, within and across sentences and paragraphs using passive and modal verbs mostly appropriately using a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the sentence using adverbs, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases effectively to add detail, qualification and precision using inverted commas, commas for clarity, and punctuation for parenthesis mostly correctly, and making some correct use of semi-colons, dashes, colons and hyphens spelling most words correctly (years 5 and 6) maintaining legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting through choosing whether or not to join specific letters.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Working at greater depth within the expected standard The pupil can write for a range of purposes and audiences: managing shifts between levels of formality through selecting vocabulary precisely and by manipulating grammatical structures selecting verb forms for meaning and effect using the full range of punctuation taught at key stage 2, including colons and semi-colons to mark the boundary between independent clauses, mostly correctly.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens What is being assessed in mathematics? Number and place value, approximation and estimation/rounding Four rules of calculation Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry: properties of shape Geometry: position and direction Statistics
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens New expectations in mathematics: Children should be fluent with counting, number facts and times tables. This is essential to be able to complete the newly structured test in the time allowed.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Test format - mathematics: The mathematics test comprises of 3 tests: Paper 1: Arithmetic test - 30 minutes with a maximum of 40 marks. Paper 2 and 3 are Reasoning papers, both are 40 minutes long with 35 marks per paper.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens What types of questions will be asked in the mathematics tests? Context-free calculations only in the arithmetic test which replaces the old mental maths This arithmetic test will check that the children can select the most efficient method in order to complete it on time All the questions in the reasoning papers will have a context and can be read to the child if requested. It's also worth noting that there are no calculators or tracing paper permitted.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens How will the tests be marked? Marked externally. There will be no higher / extension test. Reporting: The raw score(total out of 110) will be converted into a scaled score and each child will receive an overall result indicating whether or not they have achieved the required standard on the test.
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens How can you help? CGP homework books Spellings – work on rules Read, read, read... Frequent, quality and varied Times tables (and related division facts) ‘Real-life’ mathematics – weighing, measuring, timetables, money... In a context Keep in touch Stress relief
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Other sites / useful programmes: BBC Bitesized ( Mathletics ( MyMaths ( Oxford Owl ( Woodlands Junior School ( Literacy / maths etc.) Primary homework help ( Squeebles app – available for tablets
Oakdale Junior School Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens