What is belief? Ask Yourself: (Do Now) Can I define ‘belief?’ Can I explain the difference between a belief, a fact and an opinion? Can I describe what it means to have a faith? Homework Ask 10 people ( not a student) what they think the difference between fact, beliefs, faith, and opinion. and why. Write up your findings. Due: Next lesson
Steps to Success: Define the terms belief, fact & opinion. Find the beliefs, facts & opinions in the Charles Blondin story. Explore the reasons why people have a faith in God. Decide what it means to have a religious faith.
Read the following statements and decide which is a belief, a fact and an opinion. Sunderland is the best football team. The UK has a Prime Minister. Chewing gum helps you to concentrate. The Bible is the Christian holy book. Flowers are beautiful. People cannot travel faster than the speed of light. It is wrong to murder. The universe exists. Prayer can make things happen.
A belief is… An opinion is… A fact is…
A belief is…something you think is true but cannot prove. An opinion is…your own personal view on a subject. A fact is…something you can prove to be true.
Charles Blondin Listen to the story of Charles Blondin. - In this story what is the fact, the belief & the faith? In your own words, explain how faith was and wasn’t shown in this story.
What does it mean to have faith in someone?
Read the statements on the cards. Decide which you think show what it means to have a religious faith and put them in order of importance. Can you think of any more ideas to add to your list of what it means to have a religious faith?
Make a list of the people you trust and believe in Make a list of the people you trust and believe in. Against each name, make a note of why you believe and trust in that person.
Is it important to believe in people & trust them Is it important to believe in people & trust them? Explain the reasons for your answer. Are there any dangers in believing and trusting in people? Give reasons for your answer.
Why do some people have a faith in God?
Think about everything you have learnt in this lesson about faith. Write a story about someone who showed faith or had faith in someone.