Grammar Friday 8th January 2016 L.I Today we are learning how to use modal verbs. I can use would, could, should or might in a sentence. I can use a range of modal verbs. I can use modal phrases and conditional verb forms correctly to create a “see saw sentence”.
Miss Thomas might sing if she is happy. Modal verb tells me how likely the main verb is to happen Main verb Modal verbs are auxiliary (“helping”) verbs which “help” the main verb.
Miss Thomas might sing if she is happy. Miss Thomas will sing if she knows the song. Which modal verb shows that the main verb is more likely to happen?
Buckaroo might kick you load too many belongings on his back. modalconjunction We’re writing in the conditional tense because we’re talking about things that could possibly happen. With a conjunction like ‘if’ or ‘but’ we create a “see-saw sentence”.
Buckaroo might kick you load too many belongings on his back. mightif
Buckaroo might kick... but
Buckaroo might kick...