PSSA: 3.4.7.C / S8.C.2.1 Topic: Magnets and Magnetism.


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Presentation transcript:

PSSA: C / S8.C.2.1 Topic: Magnets and Magnetism

Objective: TLW describe the properties of magnets. TLW explain why some materials are magnetic and others are not. TLW explain the effect of the Earth’s magnetic field.

MI #1: What are Magnets? A magnet is any material that attracts iron or materials containing iron. Magnets have two poles, the north pole and the south pole; opposite poles attract If hung from a string a bar magnet will rotate so that its north pole is pointing north.

MI #2: Magnetic Fields A magnetic field is the region around a magnet where the magnetic forces act. Magnetic force is the force of attraction and repulsion generated by moving or spinning electric charges.

MI #3: What causes magnetism? Magnetism is caused by the arrangement of atoms in elements such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. The areas where the atoms in these elements arrange themselves are called domains.

MI #4: Kinds of Magnets Ferromagnets are magnets made of iron, nickel, or cobalt, or of alloys of these elements. Electromagnets are magnets that are made with an electric current.

MI #5: Earth as a magnet Earth behaves as if it has a giant bar magnet running through it A compass points north because it is magnetically attracted to the magnetic pole in the north.

So What…? Real Life Application Understanding magnets is important because the relationship between magnets and electricity is used to power many of the machines we have today.