What will be covered? ■What does a healthy diet look like? ■How much protein do you need? ■What do carbs do in the body? ■Why do we need fats? ■How does one meal plan? ■What are some external causes of malnutrition or lack or a nutritiously balanced diet? ■How do I meal plan well on a budget?
Standards and Objectives ■“Describe how healthy lifestyle choices (e.g., exercise, diet, sleep) affect the functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system (e.g., exercise increases endorphins, stress relief, mental alertness)”
Assessment of Lesson ■Create a meal plan with your parents help. Identify what you need to buy for your foods and talk about why you are getting these foods. Due three day after this PowerPoint for the next two weeks ■Write a blog post going through your meal plan. Talk about how you approached this and discussed it with your parents. Discuss what external factors affected you. Talk about your first week on the meal plan. Do this within a week of making your meal plan. ■Have this PowerPoint for reference if needed