Submitted by -Megha D Bengalure(3SL07CS020) Guided by -VijayaKumari Mam
Introduction: The word Cell Phone has become greatest buzz word in Cellular Communication industry. There are lots and lots of technology that tries to reduce the Noise pollution and make the environment a better place to live in. Our paper tells about a new technology known as Silent Sound Technology that will put an end to Noise pollution.
Need for silent sound….. Silent Sound Technology will put an end to embarrassed situation such as- An person answering his silent, but vibrating cell phone in a meeting, lecture or performance, and whispering loudly, ‘ I can’t talk to you right now’. In the case of an urgent call, apologetically rushing out of the room in order to answer or call the person back.
What it is……..? It is a technology that helps you to transmit information without using your vocal cords. This technology aims to notice lip movements & transform them into a computer generated sound that can be transmitted over a phone. Hence person on other end of phone receives the information in audio.
ORIGIN whispered speech and lip-reading Stanley Kubrick science-fiction film ‘‘2001 – A Space Odyssey” DARPA Advanced Speech Encoding
HOW WE SPEAK……….? When we generally speak aloud, air passes through larynx & the tongue. Words are produced using articulator muscle in the mouth & jaw region.
. Now imagine a technology that could allow everyone to make phone calls, and talk, without making a sound….. Serene, peaceful & heavenly. Recently, its proved that the articulator muscle become active irrespective of whether air passes through them or not. Even by saying words without producing sound, weak electric currents are sent from your brain to the speech muscle. These electrical signals are known as ELECTROMYOGRAMS and its study is called as Electromyography.
Methods… Electromyograpy(EMG) Image Processing
ELECTROMYOGRAPHY It is a technique which monitors tiny muscular movements and pulses generated by it. The transducers involved converts the pulses into electric signals. Electromyographic sensors attached to the face records the electric signals produced by the facial muscles, compare them with pre recorded signal pattern of spoken words.
. When there is a match that sound is transmitted on to the other end of the line and person at the other end listen to the spoken words
. The Silent Sound Technology uses electromyography, monitoring tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak. Monitored signals are converted into electrical pulses that can then be turned into speech, without a sound uttered. Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. An electromyography detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells, when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated.
EMG in Activity
Working of Electromyography A needle containing two fine-wired electrodes is inserted through the skin into the muscle tissue. Normal muscles at rest make certain, normal electrical sounds when the needle is inserted into them. Then the electrical activity when the muscle is at rest is observed. Each electrode track gives only a very local picture of the activity of the whole muscle. Because skeletal muscles differ in the inner structure, the electrode has to be placed at various locations to obtain an accurate signal. Thus by this way the speech can be communicated without sound.
Surface electromyography (sEMG) based speech recognition Surface ElectroMyoGraphy (sEMG) is the process of recording electrical muscle activity captured by surface (i.e., non-implanted) electrodes. When a muscle fiber is activated by the central nervous system, small electrical currents in the form of ion flows are generated. These electrical currents move through the body tissue, whose resistance creates potential differences which can be measured between different regions on the body surface
SILENT SPEECH INTERFACES IN INTERFACEING WE USE FOUR DIFFERENT KIND OF TRANSDUCERS Vibration sensors Pressure sensor Electromagnetic sensor Motion sensor
Image Processing Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image.In the silent sound technology the output of this image processing is an audio record.signal processing photographvideo frameoutputparameters
Image Processing techniques Analog image processing Digital image processing
Analog image Processing : analog image processing is any image processing task conducted on two-dimensional analog signals by analog means (as opposed to digital image processing). Is applied to hard copy data such as photographs or printouts.It adopts certain elements of interpretation, such as primary element, spatial arrangement etc., image processingtwo-dimensionalanalog signaldigital image processing
. ELEMENTS OF IMAGE INTREPRETATION Primary elements Black and white tone Color tone Stereoscopic paralax Spatial arrangement of tone and color Size Shape Texture Pattern Based on analysis of primary elements Height Shadow Contextual elementsSize association
Digital image processing: Digital Image Processing undergoes three general steps: Pre-processing Display and enhancement Information extraction i)Global level ii)Intermediate level iii)Low level
Flow chart The Flow diagram that explains the steps that takes place during the Digital Image Processing is shown on the next slide ……
.. Digital data Pre processing Feature extraction Selection of training data Image enhancement Manual interpretation Decision and classification Unsupervised Supervised Classification output Post processing operation Assess memory Maps and imageries Reports Data
Research: "With all of the millions of phones in circulation, there is great potential for increasing earnings by saving 'lost calls' - telephone calls that go unanswered or uninitiated because the user is in a situation in which he or she cannot speak - not just in business meetings, but everyday situations. According to research, these 'lost calls' are worth $20 billion per year worldwide. For the cellular operator, these are potential earnings that are currently being left on the table. When these 'lost calls' become answerable, and can be conducted without making a sound, there is a tremendous potential for increased profits." Now the research is going on technology that can be used in Office Environment too.
APPLICATION By astronauts. We can make silent calls even if we are standing in a crowded place. People without vocal cord or those who are suffering from Aphasia (speaking disorder ). Telling a trusted friend your PIN number Silent Sound Techniques is applied in Military Since the electrical signals are universal they can be translated into any language. Native speakers can translate it before sending it to the other side. can be converted into any languageof( German, English & French)
RESTRICTIONS Translation into majority of languages but for languages such as Chinese different tone holds different meaning, facial movements being the same. Hence this technology is difficult to apply in such situations. From security point of view recognising who you are talking to gets complicated. Even differentiating between people and emotions cannot be done. This means you will always feel you are talking to a robot. This device presently needs nine leads to be attached to our face which is quite impractical to make it usable.
FUTURE PROSPECTS Silent sound technology gives way to a bright future to speech recognition technology Without having electrodes hanging all around your face, these electrodes will be incorporated into cell phones. It may have features like lip reading based on image recognition & processing rather than electromyography. Also reducing the time taken to process the image in digital image processing
CONCLUSION Engineers claim that the device is working with 99 percent efficiency. It is difficult to compare SSI technologies directly in a meaningful way. Since many of the systems are still preliminary, it would not make sense, With a few abstractions, however, it is possible to shed light on the range of applicability and the potential for future commercialization of the different methods.
. Any queries?????!!!!!!!!!!!