Celebrate the difference – Men and Women, not Men vs Women
Challenges because of Lack of understanding Evolution Social structure/beliefs The Challenges
Some questions….? 50% of population Only 20% of management positions Only 13% of senior management positions Only 3% in top management positions what happened along the way?
S&P 500 companies research - Highlights 150 companies had no female directors Where companies had more than 2 female directors, top line improved by more than 22% And PAT improved more than 27% Isn’t this reason enough to convince us of the need to create diversity at the work place?
Aggressive Thick skinned Ambitious Competitive Clumsy in emotion handling Insensitive Highly focussed Deft with hands Male traits……..
Female traits…….. Multi tasking Communication Persuasion Team Building Care giving and Nurturing Collaborative Non confrontational Inclusive Behaviour Soft and accommodating
New business paradigm Interdependent businesses Differentiation has replaced competition Human resources are more valued Communication is becoming increasingly important Persuasive and negotiation skills have become crucial – internally and externally Scarce resources need multi tasking
Why Do women NOT rise to the top? Women Don’t seek power – they seek responsibility Women under sell themselves Women want to be recognized and “selected”, where as men are aggressive and willing to be “elected”
Stereo Types Behavior What will come first? Travel Making hard decisions Timing Aggression With regard to
The power …name Dr. Beaufort says that 98% of the women in power do not use the word power Instead they choose to use the word responsibility. In general men openly express that they would like to have more power but 98% of the women said they would like more responsibility
What do we see around us…..? 80% of teachers are women 90% of language teachers are women 90% of nurses are women 10% of pilots are women 47% of doctors are women 2% of women doctors are pathologists < 1% of racing drivers are women
The Relationship… 60% students said “No, he will leave her” 30% students said “Yes, he will continue with her, but he will not love her” 80% of these students were female Scenario 1
The Relationship… 60% students said “No, she will leave him” 30% students said “Yes, she will continue with him, but she will not be happy” 80% of these students were male Scenario 2
Equal Opportunity not Equality
Just Enjoy…………………