4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany George J. Huffman Science Systems and Applications, Inc. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD USA Christian Klepp University Hamburg, KlimaCampus Max-Planck-Institut for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany IPWG Summary/Perspective
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany IPWG History Endorsed by the CGMS 29th session (July 2001) Formation Meeting: June 2001, Fort Collins, US IPWG-1: September 2002, INM, Madrid, Spain IPWG-2: October 2004, NRL, Monterey, US IPWG-3: October 2006, BoM, Melbourne, Australia IPWG-4: October 2008, NSMC; Beijing, China IPWG-5: October 2010, KC, MPI-M, Hamburg, Germany
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany IPWG Objectives IPWG was established under CGMS to: Promote standard operational procedures and common software for deriving precipitation measurements from satellites Establish standards for validation and independent verification of precipitation measurements Foster the exchange of data on inter-comparisons of operational precipitation measurements from satellites Stimulate increased international scientific research and development in this field Provide recommendations to national and international agencies regarding the utilization of current and future satellite instruments on both polar and geostationary platforms Encourage regular education and training activities CGMS nominated IPWG to lead the GEO precip subtask, WA-08-01d in 2008
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany IPWG Accomplishments Continued and strengthened on-going regional-scale validation activity: Australia (Ebert), U.S. (Janowiak), Western Europe (Kidd), South America (Vila), Japan (Shige) Cooperation with WGNE; progress entering additional models in the validation activity (Sapiano) Contributing Centers to date are ECMWF, JMA, Meteo-France, NCEP, NRL; GMAO and BOM are expected Data are being released or not according to each Center’s policy IPWG-4 proceedings DVD sponsored by EUMETSAT, 391 page document
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany IPWG Accomplishments Special issue of JAMC for contributions of IPWG-4 (Ferraro, Bennartz) 22 papers accepted (regular review process), in publication process Preparation of a separate “special issue” volume in early 2011 IPWG-4 summary published: Kidd, C., Ralph F., V. Levizzani, Aug. 2010: The Fourth International Precipitation Working Group Workshop, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91(8), doi: /2009BAMS2871.1, Input to CEOS Precipitation Constellation group Input to Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations group Leadership of Group on Earth Observations precipitation subtask Interact with International TOVS Working Group, specifically on SSMIS Interact with NASA XCAL Working Group
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany Recent Meetings EGU, April 2009, Vienna, Austria [C. Kidd] Rainfall Protocol for Africa, 4-5 June 2009, Ispra, Italy [Kidd, Levizzani, Grimes, Klepp] 8 th GPM-GV Workshop, June 2009, Paris, France [C. Kidd, G. Huffman, C. Klepp and others] Joint GEWEX and iLEAPS Conference, August 2009, Melbourne, Australia [G. Huffman] 3 rd Precipitation Constellation Workshop, October 2009, Salt Lake City, UT, CEOS-PC [Huffman]
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany Recent Meetings GEO Water Cycle Integration Workshop, 21 November 2009, Frascati, Italy [C. Kidd] IGWCO Planning Meeting, February 2010, New York, NY [D. Toll] GEO Work Plan Symposium., May 2010, Pretoria, South Africa [R. Lawford] GPM-GV, June 2010, Helsinki, Finland [Klepp, Huffman …] LPVEX campaign, Baltic Sea, September 2010 [Klepp, Kidd …] GEO-VII Plenary and 2010 Ministerial Summit, 3-5 November 2010, Beijing, China [G. Huffman; poster sent]
4th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop 11 – 15 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany 2011 Meetings Third International Workshop on Space-based Snowfall Measurement 30 March - 2 April 2011 Grainau, near Zugspitze, Germany Organizing Committee: Ralf Bennartz, University of Wisconsin Gail Skofronick Jackson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ulrich Löhnert, University of Cologne Paul Joe, Environment Canada Deborah Vane, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jarkko Koskinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute