The Top Ten Financial Mistakes Cooperatives Make Presented for the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association May 20, 2010 David Johns, CPA Manager, Jackson Thornton & Co., P.C.
Number 10: Not knowing enough about your cooperative or industry. Audit Top Ten List
Number 9: Assuming your auditor knows a lot about your company or industry. Audit Top Ten List
Number 8: Spending too much preparation time in the wrong areas. Audit Top Ten List
Number 7: Poor communication between the accounting department and the rest of the cooperative. Audit Top Ten List
Number 6: Not preparing your own financial statements for internal use and not performing analytical procedures. Audit Top Ten List
Number 5: Not questioning the auditor on why they need that certain report. Audit Top Ten List
Number 4: Blowing off internal controls. Audit Top Ten List
Number 3: Not having support for the reconciliations you give the auditor. Audit Top Ten List
Number 2: Not having a well-formed, documented, and communicated fraud policy. Audit Top Ten List
Number 1: Not having an active, informed audit committee. Audit Top Ten List
David Johns Thank You!