private international law is a part of national law The term "international" in PIL is a conventional concept This term does not mean the action of international law. This term means that the legal relationship crosses the boundary between two or more states. PIL – legal relationship associated with the right to two or more states. PIL – legal relationship may be governed by foreign law.
subject of private international law private law relations associated with foreign law or private law relations burdened with a foreign element
private law relations property and associated non-property relations between private persons civil law relations family law relations labor-law relations land-law relations trade relations monetary relations
Connection with foreign law (Foreign Element) classical definition subject of relation - foreign private person object of relation is abroad legal fact occurred abroad modern understanding any legal connection with foreign law (Internet- related, a foreign service provider, the foreign server)
key issues of private international law the definition of competent jurisdiction (international jurisdiction). For example, what court must consider the dispute over the divorce between the Russian woman and her husband, a Frenchman - the Russian or the French court Choice of Law (Conflict of issue). For example, on the law of which country a court must consider the dispute over the divorce between the Russian woman and her husband, a Frenchman – on the French or on the Russian law