Scoring Proficiency LevelScore# of correct answers Passing 645 & Minimum 639 & 0-22 Basic640 – Proficient Advance 665 & 50-60
Test Taking Strategies
The Night Before Testing Make sure you get enough sleep. Put No. 2 pencils in your backpack. Get everything ready for the next day.
The Morning of Testing Start your day as you always do. Eat a good breakfast. Think of what you will do to relax after you get home from school. Think Positive!
Multiple Choice Questions If you do not understand the directions, ask for help. all Read the question and all answer choices before marking anything. Do not change your first answer unless you are very certain about your new answer choice. Don’t leave any answer choices blank.
Pace Yourself Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Do your best and then move on. Answers the easiest questions first, but be sure to go back to those questions you skipped.
The Process of Elimination After you have been through all of the questions once, go back and find questions you have some knowledge about and eliminate choices that you know are incorrect. I know C isn’t the answer!
Getting Stuck: What to do Skip it. If you don’t get it within a minute you are wasting time. FLAG it and move on to the next question. When you get to the end of the test, come back and use the strategies for guessing. If you run out of time, make sure you answer every question.
Guessing If I don’t know the answer should I guess, or is it better to leave the answer blank?
Guessing YES!!! Guess, but only if you don’t know the answer. Guessing is the last thing you do, not the first! Try to eliminate any obviously wrong answers first. You are not penialized for wrong answers, so a guess is better than a blank space.
Guessing “All of the Above” and “None of the Above” should be considered carefully. If the choice uses words like “never” and “always” it is usually wrong. Once you guess, stick with your answer. Only change if you are absolutely sure you are wrong. If you get 5 “All or None of the above” in a row….you may want to go back and double check.
Skip, Return, Check If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions.
Key Words key wordsphrases Find key words or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer.
Communication is Key Make sure you understand what the question is asking. THIS MEANS READ THE DIRECTIONS! Be sure you are responding to the question that is being asked.
Reading Passages If the test requires you to read passages and then answer questions about what you read, read the questions first first. By doing this, you will know what you are looking for as you read. This also helps you go faster on the test.
Reading Passages clues When there are several questions about a reading passage or chart, look for clues in other questions that will help you with those items about which you are unsure.
If you SNOOZE, You will LOSE! Don’t leave a question unanswered. You will not have ANY chance of getting it right.
Be Smart With Charts Charts and Maps provide information that you can use to answer questions! Analyze ALL information provided before answering the questions!
The Sleeping Cure! If you find yourself getting sleepy or distracted take a deep breath- hold the breath in for a count of four, then breath out for a count of eight. This will renew your supply of oxygen allowing you to think and remember better. Repeat this breathing exercise as many times as needed to remain wide awake and mentally fresh.
Resources Tips to Review Biology USA Test Prep Annotated Examples SATP Boot Camp Packet MDE website Parent and Student Student Assessment