Culture and Equity Study Leigh Reischmann Florida State University EDA 5503, The Principalship
DELTONA HIGH SCHOOL Located in Deltona, Florida. Deltona is known as a bedroom community. Largest city in Volusia County Part of the Volusia County School System.
Changes in the 2016 School Year New Principal Two new AP’s 21 New Teachers Freshman Orientation Program
DELTONA HIGH SCHOOL DEMOGRPHICS Enrollment 1, Males/ 879 Female 20% ESE enrollment -349 students 6% ELL enrollment -101 students 9th th th th – 417 Hispanic – 41% White- 41% Black – 13% Multiple – 3% Asian – 1% Indian- -1%
Achievement and Performance Data DHS Graduation Rates Year % School Graduates 65.9%63.5%60.6%60.5%65.2%71.4% % District Graduates 63.9%62.0%66.8%68.0%70.6%71.6% Graduation Rates 1.Spruce Creek 87% 2.Seabreeze 80% 3.University77% 4.New Smyrna74% 5.Pine Ridge72% 6.Deltona71% 7.Mainland71% 8.Deland71% 9.Taylor 71% 10.Atlantic70% Graduation Rates 1.Spruce Creek 87% 2.Seabreeze 84% 3.New Smyrna76% 4.Taylor 73% 5.Mainland73% 6.University72% 7.Atlantic72% 8.Deland70% 9.Pine Ridge 68% 10.Deltona 65% Consistently ranked in the middle of the district
Achievement and Performance Data Standardized Test
Achievement and Performance Data Percentage of Students Getting a D or F Second Quarter
Discipline Data Quarter 1: Total of 309 referrals Below Average referral percentage- 10% of referred students compared to other schools (Average is 13%) 9th graders still account for 55% of referrals Males account for 72% of referrals Quarter 2: Total of 653 referrals Above average referral percentage- 17% of referred students compared to other schools (Average is 16%) 9th graders still account for 53% of referrals Males account for 66% of referrals
Discipline Data: Referrals by Race
Percentage of Student Population Identified as a Student with a Disability
Sample I collected surveys from: The principal 1 Academic Coaches 8 teachers 4 Clerical Staff Total: 14
Curriculum/Extra Curriculum Programs 3. My schools efforts are equitable in student placement and quality of programs in the following areas:
Curriculum/Extra Curriculum Programs 4. My schools efforts to provide opportunities and access to extracurricular activities for all students are equitable in the following areas:
Professional Learning/Development 5. My schools efforts to provide professional learning opportunities and strategies that engage faculty in recognizing and understanding diversity to improve student achievement are equitable.
Short Answers 6. List the strategies or practices in place at your school that help to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment for students, parents, faculty, and staff. , Connect Ed., Newsletters, flyers and brochures SAC, PTSA, Hispanic Heritage Celebration, Black History Month, Cultural Celebrations
Short Answers 7. List strategies or practices in place at your school that ensure equitable opportunities and participation across all student groups. Daily Bulletin Orientations and family nights Daily Announcements TV on the Run School Website Athletics
Short Answers 8.List the strategies in place at your school that take diversity into consideration when developing practices that motivate students to improve student achievement. PLC/Faculty Meetings Post on bulletin boards Professional Training Peer Tutoring Contest and Recognitions
Short Answers 8.List the strategies in place at your school that that have been offered through professional development and help faculty understand issues related to diversity n order to close achievement gaps. Professional Readings New Teacher Orientations ESE trainings
Principals Feedback: Organizational Structure “We are getting there.” 1.My schools learning environment is respectful and inclusive of all students. 4 2.My schools classrooms practices validate and value similarities and differences among students. 3
Principals Feedback: Curriculum/Extra Curriculum Program ELL: 4 Gifted and Talented: 4 Discipline: 4 Advanced Classes/Advanced Placement: 4 Athletics 5 Academic Clubs 5 Social Clubs 5 Professional Development 5
Principals Feedback Highlights: “Most important role is to establish a safe and inclusive environment for students”. “Focus on school culture and communication is beginning to build strong foundations for continued growth”. “We have so much still to accomplish in providing our students with quality instruction and in turn providing teachers with training and support.”
Best Practices Professional development focused on proven classroom strategies. Celebrating student and staff achievements Providing opportunities for reflection and collaboration Using data to drive programs, professional development, and needs assessments. Increased communication and inclusive policies and procedures.
Recommendations Common Planning with PLC’s Less testing Small group professional development Tutoring Period Cross Curriculum Collaboration Opportunities for community building