PSY 326 Introduction to Industrial- Organizational Psychology
Instructor’s Information Name: Dr. Ashita Goswami, Industrial- Organizational Psychologist, Assistant Professor, Salem State University. Vocational Interests: I studied Psychology for over 10 years. I aspire to be scientist as well as a Practitioner in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Personal Likes: Like watching TV shows and love cats. I own two cats- Kiki & Plato.
Methodology Quizzes Exams Job Analyses Project
Course Description After completing this course, the student will be able to: 1.Define personnel psychology. 2.Explain the various types and uses of job analysis. 3.Explain the various types and uses of selection, training, and performance appraisal systems and their relationships to job analysis. 4.Define organizational psychology. 5.Define and explain the relationships among theories of leadership, group dynamics, motivation, and satisfaction. 6.Explain the relationship between organizational psychology theories and organizational development practices. 7.Define and explain major concepts encompassed within occupational health psychology.
Student’s role Get the required Book Industrial Organizational Psychology by Aamodt(2013). Cell phones need to be SWITCHED OFF during the class period. Read the assigned chapters prior to the class. Typically 3-5 hours are anticipated each week for readings. 5-10 hours during exam week 10 hours for the project 5 hours for article review Check your s and canvas atleast once a day in case of class cancellations and other changes.
Syllabus Grades will be weighted as follows : 94% -100%A 90%-93.99%A %B %B 80%-83.99%B- 77%-79.99%C+ 74%-76.99%C 70%-73.99%C- 65%-69.99%D or lessF Grades will be distributed as follows. Exams (3; 100 points each)40% Pop Quizzes(5; 5 points)P Project (1; 50 points)40%
Pop Quizzes There will be 5 quizzes, Format could be multiple choice questions Fill in the blanks Open-ended or short essay 5 points each Non-cumulative Could be either at the end or in the beginning WITHOUT ANY PRIOR WARNING
Exams There will be 3 exams, All multiple choice questions. 100 points each exams Non-cumulative
Job Analyses Project (50 points) You will need to use at least two sources of information for analyzing the job. One of the sources must be a Subject Matter Expert (e.g., Job Incumbent; someone who is currently working within this profession). I recommend using O*Net for your other source. To keep on track, be sure to identify both the job and the incumbent by the second week of the course. The final project that is being turned in must include: 1) an executive summary, 2) a description of the organization and the specific job, 3) a description of your methods and specific process for gathering information for the job analysis, 4) a Task Inventory, 5) a KSAO Inventory, 6) a Job Description, and 7) a description of everything you have learned throughout the course of working on this project. You need to see me before conducting JOB ANALYSES. FAILURE TO SEE ME WILL RESULT IN DEDUCTION OF 20POINTS. Due 2 nd December. 10 points will be taken off for LATE SUBMISSIONS.
What is O’NET For each job, O*NET provides the following information: Personal requirements: the skills and knowledge required to perform the work Personal characteristics: the abilities, interests and values needed to perform the work Experience requirements: the training and level of licensing and experience needed for the work Job requirements: the work activities and context, including the physical, social, and organizational factors involved in the work Labor market: the occupational outlook and the pay scale for the work
Contact Information Address: s should be returned in 24 hours may not be the case at all times. I will try to revert back within 72 hours. Office Hours: M/T Noon-2:00pm Office Phone: