Health Inequalities: The new policy context Kay Barton Health Improvement Strategy Scottish Government
Healthier Scotland objective: Help people to sustain and improve their health, especially in disadvantaged communities, ensuring better, local and faster access to health care
Linked to Government’s other strategic objectives: Wealthier and fairer Smarter Safer and stronger Greener
An outcomes based approach With shared priorities across community planning partners
Health improvement performance management review: Agree priority outcomes and unique contributions of each sector, to be delivered in partnership Includes HEAT targets
Better Health, Better Care (August 2007) shift towards preventative medicine more continuous care in the community targeting of resources and anticipatory care towards those most at risk
Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities (from October 2007) Based on principles and vision across Government Short and long term outcomes Effective action and delivery Commitment to proper evaluation
Health Inequalities: A chance to do something radical in Scotland to reverse the trends.