Joanie Rouk 3/28/16 TWU Purposeful Planning
Welcome! Please make a name plate with your name and teaching focus subject/level.
Ant Set
Today’s Goal to purposefully plan a lesson from data and teks Obj
How to Begin… Use data (ex. most missed from the test last week) Focus on precise language of TEKS and Standards Know how the students will be assessed over this content “Begin with the End” Dir Inst
Building your lesson What is the most basic understanding of this objective? (from either a vertical perspective when it was first introduced or a foundational concrete real-life connection) Begin to build your lesson with a connection to an understanding they already have (the beach!) GPGPGPGP
Continue Building Take the next step- Build on the foundation with a basic, concrete, foundational connection. (Don’t tell them, have them tell you.) Cycle through (model, guided, active) *activity* and questioning to help them see the connections and build on their understanding. Plan a few of your higher level questions ahead of time. Blooms AP
Checking for understanding Are they understanding the concepts at each step? Briefly share activities whole group. (informal assessment)
Lesson Pacing 5:30 Intros 5:45 Beach connection, obj Begin planning Data analysis, Breakdown tek, Review assessment questions 6ish- build the basics together 6:15ish- next level, partner activity 6:30 share, ind 6:45ish closure, questions, eval Ind STEP out your lesson after planning (timing/pacing guide) How much time will you have for independent?
Reflect What are your thoughts on planning components of a lesson tied to data focused instruction? anticipatory set (beach) direct instruction (building lesson) guided practice (planning) active participation (partner lesson building) independent (lesson steps-pacing) closure- (eval reflection) Closure
Reflect Please complete eval form. Closure
Purposeful Planning- Joanie Rouk March 28, 2016 Presenter was prepared and organized. disagreeagree strongly agree Objectives of lesson aligned with class needs. disagreeagree strongly agree A supportive climate of professional learning was created. disagreeagree strongly agree I learned useful, relevant strategies. disagreeagree strongly agree Appropriate balance of delivery, teaching techniques, and participation disagreeagree strongly agree Comments: