Saturday, April 12, 2014
Girl Scouts “Power Up” with ULM’s TEACH Project Partnership 2 Service Learning Project Presentation presented at University of Louisiana System’s Academic Summit University of Louisiana of Lafayette, April 12, 2014
Abstract The purpose of this session will be to discuss the outcomes, benefits and lessons learned from a collaborative, service-learning project with the local Girl Scout Council and the TEACH Project interns. The community partnership grew from a shared goal to engage 3 rd through 6 th grade girls in STEM- related activities and conversations. 3
Co-Presenters 4 1.Tiffany Jackson University of Louisiana at Monroe School of Education, TEACH Project Professional Development Coordinator 2.Katherine Stagg Girl Scouts of Louisiana Pines to the Gulf Program Specialist 3.Linda Trimble Ouachita Parish School Board Grant Facilitator
Join the Conversation #ULSAS_HH112C Today’s Meet 5
Course Design SLP Embedded in Online Summer Institute Course Four week introductory course that is a formal introduction to the program and brief overview of concepts, methods, research and pedagogy for alternative certification pre-service teachers. It is a mandatory precursor to internship. Field Component Collaborate with teacher leader to plan co-teaching and solo experience Implement behavior management plan Employ research-based strategies to maximize engagement and increase student learning Align instruction with assessment tool Experience and create collaborative learning opportunities 6
Project Design Girl Scout “Power Up” STEM Camp One-week STEM camp utilized a Girl Scout curriculum, Get Moving leadership journey Focused on three areas of science including physics, biology, and physical science. In addition, a fourth session covered technology and math. Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with four 55 minute sessions per day, an hour of lunch and a celebratory field trip to Sci-Port in Shreveport. ULM’s new alternative certification teacher candidates observe master teachers model pedagogical strategies and behavior management techniques for the first two days, co-taught on the third day and solo taught on the last day of instruction. Candidates were observed and evaluated by university supervisors who provided commendations and recommendations for improvement. 7
Project Goals University: Develop appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions through real-life experiences and community collaboration Guided Practice+ Specific, Actionable Feedback= Effective Teaching and Achieved Learning Outcomes Girl Scouts: Build leadership goals in girls Discover + Connect + Take Action= Leadership Shared Goals: Engage girls in STEM related activities and conversations and expose them to STEM careers 8
Energy Audit 9
Biology 10
Physical Science 11
Outcomes 12 M.A.T Interns:. Provided interns with authentic assessment of knowledge and skills. Exemplified the need for teachers to be managers of human and material resources. Realized no teacher is an island. Master Teachers/ Teacher Leaders: Provided experiential learning experience in the area of instructional leadership. Developed modeling and supervision skills. Girl Scouts: Exposed to higher education environment and culture. Encouraged the learn by doing “maker” model to scientific investigations. Gave access to Girl Scouts’ “Discover, Connect, Take Action” curriculum as well as STEM. Revealed their potential to be leaders in the field. Girl Scout Administration: Helped to produce some of Girl Scouts social/ emotional outcomes in participants such as building healthy relationships, developing critical life skills, and connecting with community needs.
Learning Outcomes 13 Pre and Post Test Average Gains Physics Sessions:16.85 points Biology:18.50 points Physical Science: points
What Worked Hands- on, minds- on activities captivated and engaged girls Pairing new teachers with master teachers. Planning of activities and use of personnel. Introducing lead teachers to collaborative partner Site coordinator provided cohesiveness to the event Having student workers available to provide support Use of technology for communication Partner entered the collaboration with their own funding support to fulfill their part of the program Clearly stated needs for university students and participants Curriculum Clearly stated assets 14
Lessons Learned Must haves: Build rapport Trust ( that each will do their part) Willingness to share roadblocks along the way Easy communication access Flexibility Enough time for all parties to participate in collaborative planning Be aware: Need a long timeline to secure funding Need to meet Girl Scout (community partners) outcomes Project is part of the "big picture" Many community non-profits’ seasons cycle Establish expectations with participants Interns part of opening assembly to connect with students 15
Next Steps Project debrief with lead teachers, interns, Girl Scouts staff Validate project for replication Seek adequate funding Seek community support (volunteers and funding) Seek support with other departments on campus Inform collaborative partner of progress and intentions Increase rigor by involving arts and science faculty 16
Contact Us Tiffany F. Jackson Ph.: Instagram: teach_ulm Katherine Stagg Girl Scouts of Louisiana - Pines to the Gulf Girl Scouts Louisiana East Linda Trimble Ouachita Parish School Board 17