What on earth is this?
Composed of your: ◦ Brain ◦ Spinal Cord ◦ Nerves ***It is how we receive information about EVERYTHING we do in life!!!!
The nervous system is divided into two different sections: ◦ Central Nervous System ◦ Peripheral Nervous System
Brain Spinal Cord
If stretched out, the cerebral cortex would be 0.23 sq. m (2.5sq.ft), the area of a night table. The composition of the brain = 77-78% water, 10-12% lipids, 8% protein, 1% carbs, 2% soluble organics, 1% inorganic salt. The brain can stay alive for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen. After that cells begin die. The slowest speed at which information travels between neurons is 260 mph!!!
The energy used by the brain is enough to light a 25 watt bulb. The weight of the average adult brain weights about 3 pounds.
(In other words, how many thoughts does it have per day?) * Take a guess…………………………
70,000 is the number of thoughts that it is estimated the human brain produces on an average day!!!!!
Men have slightly larger brains than women, BUT brain size and brain weight do not reflect a person’s intelligence.
The command center for: ◦ Thinking ◦ Processing ◦ Actions ◦ Ideas ◦ Emotions ◦ EVERYTHING!!!
The brain’s best friend ◦ Relays messages from all parts of the body to the brain……. ◦ THEN, it receives the message from the brain and relays the brain’s message to muscles, glands, etc. **** The spinal cord is like a bad gossiper, but in a good way this time.
Sensory: receive a message from outside stimuli and send it to the spinal cord Motor: carry out the message from the brain to the muscles *** Fire on desk example…
Involves all the nerves of the body. Carries messages to and from the body.
Two Main Parts: ◦ Somatic System: actions that you can control (Ex: looking, playing basketball, writing, etc.) ◦ Autonomic System: actions that you do NOT usually control (Ex: heartbeat, breathing, digestion, etc.)
Reflexes bypass going to the brain. Sensory/motor neuron relationship all happens in the spinal cord. Protects body from harm by causing our bodies to respond quickly when threatened. Ex: Pull hand away from hot stove.
Through: ◦ Touch (Ex: Blindfolded….. Hand by stove) ◦ Hearing (Ex: Scratching on chalkboard, loud screeching girl). ◦ Sight (Ex: Seeing a handsome boy or attractive young lady). ◦ Taste (Ex: The worst bowl of homemade chili in your life). ◦ Smell (Ex: You smell a BBQ in the summer time or cinnamon buns baking in the kitchen at school).
Parapalegic vs. Quadrapalegic
Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem Meninges