Sustaining and Increasing the Impact of an Alliance: CAHSI-SACNAS Partnership Ann Q. Gates The University of Texas at El Paso NSF CNS
U.S. Census Bureau Hispanics By the Numbers Population 2050 projection Bachelor or higher Advanced degree 52.0 million million 3.6 million 1.1 million 2 Hispanic Growth in the U.S.
3 Create a unified voice to consolidate the strengths, resources, and concerns of HSIs and other groups committed to increasing the number of Hispanics in all computing areas. RECRUITING. RETAINING. ADVANCING HISPANICS IN COMPUTING
5 Industry partners Professional Organizations Groups Non-CAHSI Institutions Government Entities Social Science Network
6 CS0 Peer-Leaders Student Advocates Affinity Research Groups Mentor-Grad Fellow-Net/Paper-Net Development Workshops Faculty Advocates All-Hands Meeting Advisory Board Meetings Annual Meetings
Impact 7
Strategic Planning-2011 Mission and goals describe the future? Membership clearly defined? 501(3)c? Grow and how? Financially and organizationally sustainable? 8 ExpandCreateMaintain CAHSIStrategyFuture
Planning Outcomes Extend CAHSI to be an inclusive alliance focused on Hispanics in computing. Defined memberships: charter, associate, affiliate, individual. Implement effective practices across STEM. Build collaborations with: SACNAS Excelencia in Education Girl’s Collaborative (Latino/a Initiative) 9
10 SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to advancing Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in science. Its interests are in quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research, teaching, leadership, and policy. 30,000 members at 1,000 institutions
Memorandum of Understanding 11
12 Attendance: 3,653
Conversations with Computer Scientists 13
Student Research 14
Student Development Insights to Success: Real-Life Experiences of Scientists Coaching Strong Women Professional Development Skills for Graduate Students and Post-Docs Leadership Sessions Networking 15 Dr. Cecilia Aragon was one of three scientists highlighted in Insights to Success.
Scientific Symposia: CAHSI Track Sessions How Safe Are We from Cyber-Attacks? Protecting our Infrastructure and Computer from Intruders Geographic Information Systems and Contributions to Preserving Tribal Lands How Science and Technology Can Create a Healthier World 16
Social Events 17
CAHSI Highlights 18
Other Partnership Benefits Leadership Institute Policy and Advocacy Comments on NSF BPC programs National Science Board: Merit Review Criteria Revision and Principles Fisher v. UT, US Supreme Court 19
Closing 20 Adapted from: ExpandCreateMaintain CAHSIStrategyFuture