Chapter 3 Genitive and Vocative Whiteboards. Genitive Something we already know.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 Genitive and Vocative Whiteboards

Genitive Something we already know

1 st and 2 nd Declension NominativeGenitiveDativeAccusativeAblative viaviae viamviā amīcusAmīcīamīcōamīcumamīcō NominativeGenitiveDativeAccusativeAblative viaeviārumviīsviāsviīs amīcīamīcōrumamīcīsamīcōsamīcīs

Give me the genitive of these words. If it’s singular keep it singular etc. Fīlius Puer Puerōs Virīs Viam Casās

English Noun Declension CaseSingularPlural NominativeBirdBirds GenitiveBird’sBirds’ ObjectiveBirdBirds

Genitive Something we already know Special case – What declension? – Stem

Possessive Genitive Most common English: – The student’s book; The students’ books – The field of the farmer; the fields of the farmers Latin: – Possessor is in the genitive case – Virī casa est pulchra. The house of the man is beautiful.

Examples Pater Aechinī et Ctēsiphōnis sum. I am father of Aeschinus and Ctesiphon. Amica puellae ambulat. The friend of the girl walks. Animus lupae est bonum. The soul of the wolf is good. The wolf’s soul is good.


Calamus, calamī, m.

Raeda, raedae, f.

Liber, librī, m.

Gladius, Gladiī, m.

Tunica, tunicae, f.

Vocative Case Least common Easiest to learn Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum Same as nominative – Except… 2 nd Declension –us changes to –e ex. Marce! Marcus -ius changes to –ī ex. Publī! Publius Filius is irregular in the vocative: fīlī Meus is irregular in the vocative: mī

Practice Hello son! Salve fīlī! Hello Mārcus! Salve Mārce! Good-bye Dēmea! Vale Dēmae! Good-bye boys and girls! Valete puerī et puellae!