Peers and Friends
What is a Friend? A trusted companion. Someone you can share your good and bad times with. Someone who believes in you.
What is a Peer? Usually someone your same age. Shares common interests or activities with you. Someone with a similar background (race, religion, education, etc.)
Friends and Peers Friends can be peers and… Peers can be friends. But…friends are not always peers and… Peers are not always friends.
Personal Needs for Friendships Sharing good times Telling secrets Sharing confidences A sense of belonging A need to share Feeling important Someone who is proud of you A feeling of belonging Having fun together Being yourself without fear of insults Loyalty Build your self-esteem Support Someone you can depend on Feeling included
Choosing Your Friends Next to parents, friends have the greatest influence on your behavior. Choosing your friends is one of the most critical decisions you will ever make.
Qualities of a Good Friendship Empathy and understanding Effective, open communication Good self-concept (you can’t like others until you like yourself) Responsibility Respect and trust Compromise and flexibility
A Good Buy Activity Come up with a creative way to “Sell a Friend” You are advertising the characteristics of a friend. The advertisement can be words, a rap, song, jingle, poem, or even a short skit. You will present your advertisement to the class when done.
Summary Friendship is a very important relationship to have. Having friends in our lives fills many needs we have. To have a friend, you must be a friend.