HOW DO YOUR EFFECT YOUR smell sound Sight touch taste
Understanding Why We Consume Advertisements are designed with great precision Products are first designed to our specific needs and wants The goal of any good advertisement is to condition the purchase of their product How do Companies achieve this? They market towards our human senses There are some differences but the overall technique used is fairly similar with every company
The most popular and usually the first sense we use when interacting with an object In Today’s Society visual Ads are everywhere to be seen & in order to catch the attention and interest of a consumer, marketers have been using colour as a catalyst. Colour affects the mood and behaviour of an individual /Ikea-Bright-Shiny-Colours Colours
Special Effects In order for a marketer to make their product stand out from al the others in the advertisement world they may use special effects. Special effects can increase the likelihood of a viewers purchase by making it more appealing and memorable
Is incredible considering the science required for it to work properly It is usually used in combination with another sense For the most part it is used as a primary sensor that can pay attention to loads of information at once Vision also helps us to have short and long term memory (with help of brain) This is why vision important to marketers It is the best starting point to stimulate ones brain ( remember Weber’s Law)
Where do We See Examples of This? The first advertisements were engravings of language in public places and above stores Owners of stores and governments wanted to convey messages unto the public After this people felt like their messages were not spreading enough So businesses decided to practice the principle of branding all individual products Once again companies did not feel people were being exposed enough to their products The development of technology allowed for the expansion of mass media advertising
Why touch is important to perception: Customers want to touch products before they buy. Products need to be accessible to customers to touch, so the try on experience. It has been found that touching a product increases attitudes & purchase intentions and increases the confidence in the evaluation of products. Touching a product compared to the inability to touch results in a greater feeling of psychological ownership and more willingness to pay.
Sounds are an important part of marketing, whether it is in the form of music, songs, the spoken word or noises. It makes people watch or listen to advertising in a different way than commercials without music and adds an emotional dimension to the consumer response to the brand.
Sound Sound is used in marketing to achieve various objectives including:
In order to catch consumers attention using the sense; taste, companies use other senses to stimulate a consumers taste. Food companies use taste to get us to buy their products. E.g. free samples. Smell – usually when a product smells good, it also tastes good therefore draws consumers to try the product. Sight – again, when food looks good it tends to taste good and when it looks inedible it usually tastes bad. VS
Giving free samples builds loyalty to consumers. Companies try to explain the taste of their product and add excitement to enhance consumers taste buds. E.g.
A negative for using taste as a motivator to consumers is if a consumer samples a taste of the product and doesn’t enjoy it then there is no chance that they will buy it. Taste is probably the least useful communication channel in advertising. Also when a customer samples a product and does not enjoy it, they have leverage to spread the word to others and they may listen and also not buy it.
Advertising plays on demographics and the tastes and wants of the consumers to reach them so the advertisement for the product appeals to the consumer. Advertising for taste is always changing because our society is always changing. For example if you hear that a new study has found that beef has higher calorie count then other meats, the sales for beef will go down and consumers will choose other meats more.
Smell is closely connected to those structures in our brains that influence our behavior, mood and memory. When you first perceive a scent, you connect it to an event, person or thing. When you smell the scent again, that memory often comes back immediately.
Hotels and restaurants that contract with scent companies hope that characteristic, carefully considered smells will help increase consumer expenses, attract customers and create memorable brands.
Businesses are hoping these almost subliminal scents will draw you into a peaceful state – stimulating you to buy more and, remember their brands. The smell will be barely perceptible: something you wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been paying close attention.
According to an executive of one of the most popular casinos in Vegas, people are throwing down more dollars and dice because of scents of coconut-laden beaches, floral gardens or a walk in nature. That makes them feel lucky.
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