Italian End of Year review
Gender of Nouns Nouns in Italian are either masculine or feminine Nouns in Italian are either masculine or feminine –Masculine singular nouns usually end in the following O E ORE ONE MA CONSONANT Feminine singular nouns usually end in the following Feminine singular nouns usually end in the following –A –E –IONE –ICE –ESSA
Singular to Plural Nouns that end in O end in I in the plural Nouns that end in O end in I in the plural Nouns that end in E end in I in the plural Nouns that end in E end in I in the plural Nouns that end in A end in E in the plural Nouns that end in A end in E in the plural Nouns that end in MA end in MI in the plural Nouns that end in MA end in MI in the plural Nouns that end in a consonant or accented vowel DO NOT change in the plural, the article changes. Nouns that end in a consonant or accented vowel DO NOT change in the plural, the article changes.
Indefinite article The indefinite article is A or AN in English. The indefinite article is A or AN in English. There are 4 forms in Italian There are 4 forms in Italian –UN – used for masculine singular nouns –UNO - used for masculine singular nouns that begin with s + a consonant, z, ps, gn, or x –UNA – used for feminine singular nouns that begin with a consonant –UN’ - used for feminine singular nouns that begin with a vowel
Definite Article (“The” in English) IL – masculine singular nouns that begin with a consonant IL – masculine singular nouns that begin with a consonant LO – masculine singular nouns that begin with s + a consonant, z, ps, gn, or x LO – masculine singular nouns that begin with s + a consonant, z, ps, gn, or x LA - feminine singular nouns that begin with a consonant LA - feminine singular nouns that begin with a consonant L’ – masculine or feminine singular nouns that begin with a vowel L’ – masculine or feminine singular nouns that begin with a vowel I - masculine plural nouns that begin with a consonant (plural of IL) I - masculine plural nouns that begin with a consonant (plural of IL) GLI - masculine plural nouns that begin with a vowel, s + a consonant, z, ps, gn, or x (plural of LO and L’ (masculine)) GLI - masculine plural nouns that begin with a vowel, s + a consonant, z, ps, gn, or x (plural of LO and L’ (masculine)) LE – all feminine plurals (plural of LA & L’ (feminine)) LE – all feminine plurals (plural of LA & L’ (feminine))
Adjectives An adjective describes a noun An adjective describes a noun In Italian, adjectives always go after the noun except for BANGS (beauty, age, numbers, goodness, size) In Italian, adjectives always go after the noun except for BANGS (beauty, age, numbers, goodness, size) If an adjective ends in E (ex. Intelligente) – it has 2 forms that agree with number If an adjective ends in E (ex. Intelligente) – it has 2 forms that agree with number –Intelligente (singular), intelligenti (plural) If an adjective end in O (ex. Alto) – it has 4 forms that agree with gender & number If an adjective end in O (ex. Alto) – it has 4 forms that agree with gender & number –Alto (masc. singular), alta (fem. Singular), alti (masc. plural), alte (fem. Plural)
Subject pronouns io – I io – I tu – you tu – you lui – he lui – he lei – she lei – she Lei – you (formal) Lei – you (formal) noi – we (example: Mario ed io) noi – we (example: Mario ed io) voi – you all (example: Vittoria e tu) voi – you all (example: Vittoria e tu) loro – they (example: gli studenti or Mario e Vittoria) loro – they (example: gli studenti or Mario e Vittoria) Loro – you all (formal) Loro – you all (formal)
Essere – to be Io sono – I am Io sono – I am Tu sei – you are Tu sei – you are Lui/lei/Lei e`– he/she is/You are (formal) Lui/lei/Lei e`– he/she is/You are (formal) Noi siamo – we are Noi siamo – we are Voi siete – you all are Voi siete – you all are Loro sono – they are Loro sono – they are
Stare – to be (in regards to health) Io sto Io sto Tu stai Tu stai Lui/lei sta Lui/lei sta Noi stiamo Noi stiamo Voi state Voi state Loro stanno Loro stanno
Avere – to have Io ho – I have Io ho – I have Tu hai – you have Tu hai – you have Lui/lei/Lei ha – he/she has/you have (formal) Lui/lei/Lei ha – he/she has/you have (formal) Noi abbiamo – we have Noi abbiamo – we have Voi avete – you all have Voi avete – you all have Loro hanno – they have Loro hanno – they have
ANDARE – to go Io vado – I go Io vado – I go Tu vai – you go Tu vai – you go Lui/lei va – he/she goes Lui/lei va – he/she goes Noi andiamo – we go Noi andiamo – we go Voi andate – you all go Voi andate – you all go Loro vanno – they go Loro vanno – they go
FARE – to do/to make Io faccio Io faccio Tu fai Tu fai Lui/lei fa Lui/lei fa Noi facciamo Noi facciamo Voi fate Voi fate Loro fanno Loro fanno
Uscire – to go out Io esco Io esco Tu esci Tu esci Lui/lei esce Lui/lei esce Noi usciamo Noi usciamo Voi uscite Voi uscite Loro escono Loro escono
SAPERE & CONOSCERE to know SAPERE – to know facts or how to do something SAPERE – to know facts or how to do something Io so Io so Tu sai Tu sai Lui/lei sa Lui/lei sa Noi sappiamo Noi sappiamo Voi sapete Voi sapete Loro sanno Loro sanno CONOSCERE – to know a person or something in depth CONOSCERE – to know a person or something in depth Io conosco Io conosco Tu conosci Tu conosci Lui/lei conosce Lui/lei conosce Noi conosciamo Noi conosciamo Voi conoscete Voi conoscete Loro conoscono Loro conoscono
BERE – to drink Io bevo Tu bevi Lui/lei beve Noi beviamo Voi bevete Loro bevono
VOLERE – to want Io voglio Tu vuoi Lui/lei vuole Noi vogliamo Voi volete Loro vogliono
DOVERE – to have to Io devo Tu devi Lui/lei deve Noi dobbiamo Voi dovete Loro devono
POTERE – to be able Io posso Tu puoi Lui/lei può Noi possiamo Voi potete Loro possono
ARE verbs PARLARE – to speak PARLARE – to speak –Io parlo –Tu parli –Lui/lei parla –Noi parliamo –Voi parlate –Loro parlano
ERE verbs LEGGERE – to read LEGGERE – to read –Io leggo –Tu leggi –Lui/lei legge –Noi leggiamo –Voi leggete –Loro leggono Same procedure as ARE verbs. Take off the ERE to find your stem and add the new ending according to the subject.
IRE verbs APRIRE – to open APRIRE – to open –Io apro –Tu apri –Lui/lei apre –Noi apriamo –Voi aprite –Loro aprono Same procedure as ARE and ERE verbs. Take off the IRE to find your stem and add the new ending according to the subject. IRE verbs with ISC IRE verbs that have a vowel & a consonant before the IRE take ISC on the new ending in every form but noi and voi IRE verbs with ISC IRE verbs that have a vowel & a consonant before the IRE take ISC on the new ending in every form but noi and voi FINIRE – to finish FINIRE – to finish –Io finisco –Tu finisci –Lui/lei finisce –Noi finiamo –Voi finite –Loro finiscono Same procedure as ARE/ERE/IRE verbs. Take off the IRE to find your stem and add the new ending according to the subject.
Question words Which one? – Quale? Which one? – Quale? Which ones?- Quali? Which ones?- Quali? How many? – Quanti How many? – Quanti How much? – Quanto? How much? – Quanto? Who? – Chi? Who? – Chi? What? – Che/Cosa/Che cosa What? – Che/Cosa/Che cosa Where? – Dove? Where? – Dove? When? – Quando? When? – Quando? Why? – Perchè? Why? – Perchè? How? – Come? How? – Come?
Reflexive verbs Lavarsi – to wash oneself Lavarsi – to wash oneself Mi lavo Mi lavo Ti lavi Ti lavi Si lava Si lava Ci laviamo Ci laviamo Vi lavate Vi lavate Si lavano Si lavano
Possessive Adjectives Masc. singular Fem. singular Masc. plural Fem. plural my Il mio La mia I miei Le mie your Il tuo La tua I tuoi Le tue His/her Il suo La sua I suoi Le sue our Il nostro La nostra I nostri Le nostre Your (plural) Il vostro La vostra I vostri Le vostre their Il loro La loro I loro Le loro
Prepositions Accanto a/vicino a – near/next to Accanto a/vicino a – near/next to Attraverso – through Attraverso – through Davanti a – in front of Davanti a – in front of Dietro a – in back of Dietro a – in back of In – in In – in Intorno a – around Intorno a – around Lontano da – far from Lontano da – far from Tra/fra - between Tra/fra - between Sotto – below Sotto – below Sopra – above Sopra – above Su – on Su – on In mezzo a – in the middle In mezzo a – in the middle A – at/in/to A – at/in/to Di – of Di – of Da – from Da – from Con - with Con - with
Prepositions illolaL’iglile aalalloallaall’aiaglialle dadaldallodalladall’daidaglidalle dideldellodelladell’deideglidelle innelnellonellanell’neineglinelle susulsullosullasull’suisuglisulle con* con il con lo con la con l’ con i con gli Con le
Past particples ARE ---- ATO ARE ---- ATO ERE---- UTO ERE---- UTO IRE ---- ITO IRE ---- ITO Many regular verbs have irregular past particples. Many regular verbs have irregular past particples. Scrivere -- scritto Scrivere -- scritto Prendere -- preso Prendere -- preso
Il passato prossimo with AVERE Mangiare Mangiare Io ho mangiato – I ate, I have eaten, I did eat Io ho mangiato – I ate, I have eaten, I did eat Tu hai mangiato - you ate, you have eaten, you did eat Tu hai mangiato - you ate, you have eaten, you did eat Lui/lei ha mangiato – he/she ate, he/she have eaten, he/she did eat Lui/lei ha mangiato – he/she ate, he/she have eaten, he/she did eat Noi abbiamo mangiato - we ate, we have eaten, we did eat Noi abbiamo mangiato - we ate, we have eaten, we did eat Voi avete mangiato – you all ate, you all have eaten, you all did eat Voi avete mangiato – you all ate, you all have eaten, you all did eat Loro hanno mangiato – they ate, they have eaten, they did eat Loro hanno mangiato – they ate, they have eaten, they did eat
Il passato prossimo with ESSERE Andare Andare Io sono andato/a – I went, I have gone Io sono andato/a – I went, I have gone Tu sei andato/a – you went/you have gone Tu sei andato/a – you went/you have gone lui è andato/lei è andata – he/she went, he/she has gone lui è andato/lei è andata – he/she went, he/she has gone Noi siamo andati/e – we went, we have gone Noi siamo andati/e – we went, we have gone Voi siete andati/e – you all went, you all have gone Voi siete andati/e – you all went, you all have gone Loro sono andati/e – they went, they have gone Loro sono andati/e – they went, they have gone