Class Pet! Caring for a pet!
Vocabulary: Cage Cage: a box made of wire or metal bars in which animals are housed.
What is necessary to care for a classroom pet? Today we will get ready for the Class Pet Performance Task. This task is about what a class needs to do to care for a classroom pet.
Let’s start by talking about different animals people keep as pets. Can you name any?
What are some things that good pet owners do to take care of their pets?
We should feed our pets everyday!
Exercise Them!
We should Take them to the Vet when they are sick!
Some animals that people keep as pets at home cannot be kept in a classroom like dogs or cats. For our task, we are going to discuss caring for animals that could be in the classroom.
What are some animals that would be good to have as a classroom pet?
What are the things needed to provide good care for a classroom pet?
Small animals typically live in cages. Who can describe what a cage is?
Different animals like to eat different foods. Birds like to eat bird seed. Other animals like to eat feed pellets or a pellet mixture. Almost all classroom pets like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
The picture shows whole fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables seem like treats for animals but they give animals a lot of nutrition.
Just like there is responsibility in owning your own pet, a class pet would need the same type of care. How can we make sure our class pet is cared for? We could assign students to specific jobs each week.
We know we need to give our pet food and water each day. How would we know how much food and water our pet needs?
What are some benefits to having a classroom pet? What are some disadvantages to having a classroom pet?
Today, we completed an activity about classroom pets. These ideas may help you when you complete your performance task.