The Edictum Rothari in the Codex Eporedianus: towards a digital encoding of the text for the ALIM 2 Project Omar Khalaf Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Université Sorbonne – Paris 4
The Edictum Rothari Promulgated the 22th of November 643 in Pavia by Rothari, king of the Lombards ( ). It is the first legislative text of the Lombards Compilation of norms, divided into 388 chapters Written down by Ansoald and ratified by the gairethinx
The textual tradition of the Edictum 26 witnesses ( fragments) Codex Vercellensis (Vercelli, Biblioteca capitolare, MS CLXXXXVIII, half of the 8th cent.) Codex Eporedianus (Ivrea, Biblioteca capitolare, MS XXXIV, beginning of the 9th cent.)
Lombard terms in the Edictum Codex Sangallensis: snaida ‘notch’, ‘cut’ All the other manuscripts: snaidam, inflected in accusative according to the second declension Important studies have been made by M. V. Molinari, ‘Lessico germanico nelle leggi longobarde’, Linguistica e Filologia 1 (1995), 5-20 and N. Francovich Onesti, Vestigia longobarde in Italia ( ). Lessico e antroponimia, Roma, 1999
Editions of the Edictum F. Bluhme, ed., Leges Langobardorum, Hannover, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, LL IV, 1868 F. Beyerle, ed., Leges Langobardorum , Weimar, 1947 C. Azzara, S. Gasparri, Le leggi dei Longobardi. Storia, memoria e diritto di un popolo germanico, Milano 1992
ALIM, Archivio della latinità italiana del medioevo
Codex Eporedianus (Bluhme’s facsimile)
Edictum Rothari, VII Bluhme’s edition (based on Codex Sangallensis): ‘Si quis contra inimicus pugnando collegam suum dimiserit aut astalin fecerit, id est si eum deceperit et cum eum non laboraverit,[…].’ Codex Eporedianus: ‘Si quis contra inimicus pugnando collegam suum dimiserit, aut anstallim fecerti, id es si eum deciperit et cum eo non laboraverit […].’
EVT applied to the Digital Vercelli Book (DVB)