Arts Integration PLC Meeting 10/15/2012 Sponsored by: Ingham ISD and Institute for Arts & Wharton Center
PURPOSE of the Arts Integration PLC Meetings… Purpose: a forum for AI teachers/administrators implementing AI to: Receive support regarding curriculum/instruction/assessment planning, Increase repertoire of instructional strategies that are effective in an AI context Assist in meeting goals identified for the AI work.
OVERVIEW of 10/15/2012 Session Session Outcomes: Sharpen/strengthen goals, action steps- strategies & indicators you set for yourself Time with tableau Sharpen learning targets for the AI work Reflect on implementation Preview 1/22/2013 PLC – another AI strategy, next steps –assessment
Why Use a Professional Learning Community Format… Current BEST PRACTICES to meet needs of ALL Students (ALL students/high expectations= new mission of school) WHY = High Expectations & Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum HOW = Collaborative Teams WHAT = Monitor student learning & change instruction as needed
3 Big Ideas of PLCs and Cycle of Collaboration Big IdeaQuestion and Focus #1 Ensuring Student LearningWhat do we want them to learn? #2 Culture of CollaborationHow do we know if they are learning? #3 Focus on ResultsHow do we respond if they are not learning or already “got it”?
Goals for the AI Work, Sharpening Your Plan Journaling with Jan Alleman
Objective/Strategies or Action Steps/Indicators Goal/Objective Action Steps/Strategies moves you toward goal/objective What could I do… What should I do… Is there a priority in which I should do… What do I need to know, learn about in order to do… Indicators What will I see, touch, hear? What will kids produce? What will I produce? Will there be a change in something, if so what, what’s the tangible something?
GOAL/OBJECTIVE: Present students with frequent opportunities to think in a manner that results in innovation and relies on creative processes. WHY: 1.Creative pursuits engage students. 2. Creative pursuits often reach struggling students. 3. Creative pursuits offer opportunities for students to be successful in school they don’t have in traditional learning environments 4. Thinking creatively = using H.O.T. so…deepen how well students understand both content areas.
Strategies/Actions Steps: Identify, teach and post creative process vocabulary, refer to it continually. For every lesson, engage first and inform second. Design every lesson so that I am matching up and labeling…are we creating, performing, responding/analyzing.
What do I need to accomplish those strategies? Are there other strategies I should be considering? Are those strategies aligned to my objective (are they likely to help me meet the objective? Is there a priority to the strategies or hierarchical order?
Indicators: Give the kids journal writing assignments post assignments & ask them to use their creative vocabulary – see if they do it, to what extent. Tell the students about the engage then inform strategy I’m using and survey them with a few questions to determine if they felt this helped their learning.
Are there other indicators I should be considering? Are these indicators aligned to my strategies (are they likely to accurately reflect if I’m meeting my objective & if the strategies helped)? Are these indicators tangible things I can see, count, collect, describe?
TABLEAUX – a strategy to use in Arts Integration Joni Starr
Tableaux Described… Using tableaux (students posed in a frozen picture) in a classroom setting involves kinesthetic learning and promotes student engagement, body and voice control, open discussion, problem solving, and individual and team processing. The technique of tableaux can serve as introduction, subject delivery, follow up or assessment in a lesson.
LEARNING TARGETS Kathy D-W, Leah Braman, & Cassie Todd
Theory of Action… Moss & Brookhart 2012 The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning target for a lesson & use it along with their students to aim for & assess understanding.
Definition… Learning targets are student-friendly descriptions (words, pictures, actions, or some combo) of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared meaningfully they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They helps the adults plan, monitor, assess and improve the learning opportunities.
Criteria to identify/develop Stiggins, Chappuis Clear and appropriate. 2. Arrayed in learning progression – unfold in a manner over and across grade level consistent with how learning occurs in the field. 3. Deconstructed into scaffolded knowledge/ reasoning/performances/products 4. Realistic in number 5. Mastered by the teacher.
Writing a learning target Guiding QuestionI Can for Younger Students… What will I be able to do when I’ve finished this lesson? I can use question marks. What idea, topic, or subject is important for me to learn and understand so that I can hit the target? To be able to do this I must learn & understand that. 1. Questions marks come at the end of asking sentences. 2.An asking sentence usually begins with a word that asks a question, like who, what, when, where, why and how. What will I do to show that I understand the target, and how well will I have to do it? I will show I can do this by… Changing telling sentences into asking sentences.
Guiding QuestionsFor Older Students What will I be able to do when I’ve finished this lesson? I can… Explain the effect that Ross Perot, a third-party candidate, had on the election of President Bill Clinton What idea, topic, or subject is important for me to learn and understand so that I can hit the target? To do this I must understand… 1.The characteristics of a 3 rd - party candidate. 2.The economic conditions in the U.S. in The platform and financial resources of Ross Perot. What will I do to show that I understand the target, and how well will I have to do it? I will show I can do this by… Writing an essay on the role Ross played in the election that includes 3 specific effects supported by documented facts from valid & reliable sources.
Dansville Examples 1. Targets… 2. Construction… 3. Sharing with students – how, where, when 4. Ideas – how you’ll know if students are “getting it”
GROUP EXCHANGE Form groups numbering 4-5. Group composition: seek to have a mix of novice and veterans, 1 arts specialist, similar grade levels (if possible) CODE N – novice V- veteran ARTS K-2; 3-6; 7-12 Name Roles: facilitator; time keeper, reporter
Next Meeting 1/22/2013 “Assignment” Get more concrete about strategies & indicators. Put pen to paper about assessment – you have a “unit planner” from summer institute