History of the Church I: Week Eight
Who is this “God-Man”? At your table read Matthew 16:13-17, Mark 8:27-29 Discuss the questions on your worksheet Class discussion Discuss the idea of the Trinity Class discussion
Christology is derived from two Greek words a. Christos meaning “Christ” b. logos meaning “word, reason, study of” is the study of the Person of Jesus Christ addresses the issue of Jesus being both God and man, and becoming such in the incarnation Incarnation: the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ
Council Of Nicaea First Council of Nicaea (325) called by Constantine repudiated Arianism (belief that Jesus was not of the same substance as God, but a created being exalted above all other creatures) declared that Christ is fully divine adopted the original Nicene Creed
Council Of Constantinople 381 A.D. called by Theodosius repudiated Arianism declared that Christ is fully human declared God head is equal in all parts
Council Of Ephesus 431 A.D. called by Celestine repudiated Nestorianisn declared that Christ is 100% God and 100% man Christ is a unified person
Council Of Chalcedon 451 A.D. Called by Emperor Marcian repudiated Nestorianism declared that Christ is 100% God and 100% man Christ is a unified person The followers of Nestorius went to Persia and India
Coptic Church The Coptic church was formed from believers who rejected the Chalcedon Council They set up churches in Egypt, Syria and South India The Christians who have been under sieged by the terrorist group Isis in Syria and Iraq are the remnants of these ancient churches