Constitutional Crisis and England Settlement in Stuart England James I (James VI) –Difficult Situation- seen as an outsider Country in debt and divided church Only called Parliament when he wanted money –Leviated this need by placing impositions (duties or taxes) –Upset Parliament but did nothing publicly to challenge James I
Religious Problems Puritans –Hoped James would further their efforts to help reform the Church Wanted to be more Calvinist –Hampton Conference- results in a new version of the Bible in 1611 (Kings James Version) –Many Puritans began to leave England in 1620
Legacy of James I He caused some of his own problems –Scandal and Corruption Governed by favorites –Duke of Buckingham Foreign Policy –Peace w/ Spain (seen as Pro- Catholic) –Tried relax the penal laws against Catholics –Hesitated in sending troops to the 30yrs War –Tried to marry son to infanta of Spain
Charles I Already involved in war w/ Spain because of Father –Parliament refused to finance Charles is forced to find different ways to get funds –Levied new tariffs and duties- even did a forced loan »Imprisoned those that did not pay »Quartered Troops –In 1628 Parliament Meet Issued Petition of Right
The Ins and Outs of Charles Personal Rule –To conserve money he made peace with Spain and France Caused fear- believing he was too friendly with the Catholics His wife was also Catholic and French His ministers exploited every possible way to make money Spent way to much money on art, clothes, and other excessive items Civil War –Parliament passes Militia Ordinance England is thrusted into a Civil War –Round Heads- supporters of Parliament located in SE –Cavaliers- supporters of Monarchy located in NW
Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Republic Victory for Parliament –Alliance w/Scotland because of Solemn League –Reorganization of the army by Oliver Cromwell Charles Executed –Decided by Rump Parliament England was a Puritan Republic- but really ruled by military dictatorship –Political liberty vanished
Charles II and Restoration of Monarchy Returned amongst great rejoicing returned England to the Status Quo of 1642 Charles II had a Catholic Sympathy but Parliament issued the Clarendon Code- exclude all non-Anglicans from political and religious life Naval wars between Holland and England- allied w/France and even promised to announce himself a Catholic Able to call his brother James II as his heir Uses money from Louis XIV so as to not have to call Parliament
James II and the Glorious Revolution James II came to the throne and his wife has a son and is baptized Catholic –This threw parliament up in arms they decided to invite his oldest daughter Mary to come and rule in place of her father- to preserve “traditional liberties” (the Anglican Church and parliamentary Government William and Mary –Come to the throne in 1689 and had to recognize the Bill of Rights Limited the powers of the monarchy and would rule with consent of parliament Guaranteed Civil Liberties to the English priviliged class No Roman Catholics could be on the Throne Paved the way for the Hanover Dynasty